HTML编辑器 ogEditor
ogEditor 是一个在线的所见即所得的 HTML 编辑器,内置文件管理器支持。
- Handle multiple-page editing effortlessly. Just use the tabs to switch between open files.
- Enable you to view/edit html attributes and internal styles with a click of the mouse on editable screen.
- Reformat automatically formats and indents your Html, Javascript, and CSS codes.
- File Manager lets you browse and create a file structure.
- Drag and drop file opening.
- And More.
- Free to Download and Use.
- Does Not depend on any of the JavaScript libraries like Prototype, Dojo or JQuery.
- Compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer 7+.
- Work not only with HTML, but also with CSS and JavaScript.
- Simply click on the frame edge and drag to resize.