Android 视频监控 - ipcamera-for-android
一款将Android手机变成IP Camera的软件,在同一个网路,你可以在任意的浏览器查看手机监控视频。
它在手机中内置一个Web服务器,视频在Flash video player中播放。这个应用程序会生实时FLV/H.264视频流。
The open source projects used in this application:
1. Google's libjingle, multiple threads, signal/slot, event loop, sockets in NDK.
2. NanoHTTPD, building web server
The app support Android 2.2 and up only and your Android phone should support AMR+H.264 multimedia. It is difficult to fetch H.264 raw data from MDAT segmentation in mp4 streaming, so we only support ARM+H.264 format.
This application includes a NDK library, if your have any compile and building problems please let me know.