FancyUpload - 采用Flash与Ajax技术相结合的文件上传组件
- Select and upload multiple files
- Filter files by type in the select dialog
- A lot of possible Events to add your own behaviour
- Show and filter useful file information before the upload starts
- Limit uploads by file count, type or size
- Platform and server independent, just needs Flash 9+ (> 95% penetration)
- Graceful Degradation, since the element is replaced after the Flash is loaded successfully
- Cancel running uploads, add files during upload
- Everything is optional, documented and easy editable
- New in 2.0
- Get the server response after upload for showing additional informations or previewing the image, etc.
- Shows the current upload speed and the time left
- Send additional request data via GET or POST variables
- Set the filename for the upload request
- New in 3.0 (Completely rewritten API)
- Fully Flash 9 and 10 compatible and an additional IFrame-based uploader
- Browse-button can be an invisible overlay or an interactive image sprite
- Event based Flash communication, future-proof und more stable
- File-specific options for setting url, data and method, intelligently merged
- Append cookies automatically to the request data
- Relative URLs are converted automatically