日期操作JS库 Datejs

jopen 13年前

Datejs 是一个开源的JavaScript库,用来解析、格式化和处理日期数据,支持多种语言的日期格式处理。


// What date is next thursday?  Date.today().next().thursday();     // Add 3 days to Today  Date.today().add(3).days();     // Is today Friday?  Date.today().is().friday();     // Number fun  (3).days().ago();     // 6 months from now  var n = 6;  n.months().fromNow();     // Set to 8:30 AM on the 15th day of the month  Date.today().set({ day: 15, hour: 8, minute: 30 });     // Convert text into Date  Date.parse('today');  Date.parse('t + 5 d'); // today + 5 days  Date.parse('next thursday');  Date.parse('February 20th 1973');  Date.parse('Thu, 1 July 2004 22:30:00');
