基于Java的Ajax框架 ZK 简介

jopen 13年前

基于Java的Ajax框架 ZK 简介
在过去的十年里,Web应用的发展从最初的静态HTML页面到动态HTML(DHTML)页面,从使用applet和Flash技术到最终的混合式 Ajax(异步JavaScript和XML)技术。Ajax的两个杰出的例子是Google Map和Google Suggest。Ajax为Web应用提供了类似桌面应用程序同级别的交互方式和响应,给Web应用增添了活力。但是,和applet或Flash不一样 的是,Ajax是基于标准浏览器和Java Script的,它不需要任何私有插件的介入。
基于Java的Ajax框架 ZK 简介
那 么,你如何能够很容易地将Ajax集成到你的Web页面中去呢?可以使用ZK框架。它和许许多多其他的Ajax框架不一样,ZK不需要你懂得Java Script语言就可以开发基于Ajax的应用,因为ZK引擎会自动为你生成JavaScript代码。你只需要懂少许的HTML语言就可以使用ZK开发 一个Web应用。为了简化Web应用的开发,ZK团队还定义了一种ZK用户接口标识语言ZUML(ZK User Interface Markup Language),它为创建ZK组件提供了一种直观的方式,可以通过简单的声明像HTML格式那样的闭合式标签来实现。

ZK 提供超过70个XUL组件及80个XHMTL组件。举凡listbox, slider, audio, slider, tree, combobox, tabbox, auto-completion等均有支援。ZK 亦提供 FCKeditor, Dojo, Google Maps, 和 SIMILE Timeline的组件,让使用者直接以Java控制,无须使用 JavaScript。

让我们来看看ZK官方网 站提供的现场演示(Live Demo)页面,体验一下ZK的魔力吧

ZK Live Demo


Explore The Power of ZK Online

Demos are of common cases with code snippets and guidelines, customized and integrated examples, provided with XML & Java Source and are downloadable for reference.
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ZK Studio Demo


An IDE For Developing ZK Applications

See the features of our Eclipse-based visual IDE in a video demo, showing cases of key features and highlights such as ZUML Tag Assist, Java Code Assist, Syntax Check, Mark Occurrence and Hyperlink Navigation
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ZK Spreadsheet Demo


Embeddable Online Spreadsheet

Experience the power of the embeddable Ajax spreadsheet online! Integrate it in your Java web applications to leverage ZK UI components
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ZK Pivottable Demo


An Ajax Summarizing Component

Find out about the power of our Ajax data summarization component that has similar behavior to Excel’s Pivot Table with drag and drop operations. Apply and try different configurations and predefined scenarios on an example table
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ZK Calendar Demo


Dynamic Embeddable Online Calendar

Try the Google Calendar like component to experience the rich and intuitive scheduling functionality by adding your own schedules and edit it on the fly. Easy customizable and able to combine with other ZK components
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