Gazelle CMS

fmms 12年前

Gazelle CMS 可以是一个高级的博客系统,也可以是一个简单的 CMS 系统。

  • Menus
    • Different menu groups for different places on your website
    • Ability to set different permissions per menu
    • Arrange the order of the menus
    • Decide how much articles to show for each menu
  • Content
    • Create your articles with a text-editor (no HTML knowledge needed!)
    • Allow users to comment on certain articles
    • Articles can also be PHP-code
    • Arrange the order of thearticles
    • </ul> </li>
    • Templates
      • Easy installation and removal of templates
      • Apply a new template with a single click
      • Templates can have specific parameters
      • For designers: very simple to create templates
      • </ul> </li>
      • Users
        • Create different usergroups to set permissions
        • Registration procedure with email activation (to avoid spam-accounts)
        • MD5-encrypted passwords
        • Users can change/delete their own account settings
        • User detail page
        • </ul> </li>
        • Modules
          • Easy installation and removal of modules
          • Select where on the website to position a module
          • Arrange the order of the modules
          • Modules can have specific parameters
          • Simple modules can be coded on-site
          • </ul> </li>
          • SEO
            • Readable URLs
            • Valid XHTML, CSS, RSS
            • No tables, but DIVs
            • Fill in your own meta-tags
            • Dynamic title per page
            • XML-sitemap
            • </ul> </li>
            • Installation