Eclipse的统计跟踪插件 - rabbit-eclipse
Rabbit 是一个 Eclipse 的插件,它可以告诉你你花了多少时间在使用 Eclipse 的各种工具,编辑了哪些文件,花了多少时间等。具体如下:
- Commands - How often you use each commands (cut, copy, paste etc), do you know which is your favorite?
- Editors and Views - Time spent using different tool within Eclipse, such as Java Editor, Outline view.
- Perspectives - Time spent using different perspectives.
- Sessions - Time spent using Eclipse.
- Resources - Time spent working on difference resources such as files, projects.
- Java Elements - Time spent working on Java elements such as classes, methods.
- Launches - Launches such application runs, debug runs etc, and the relevant files will be recorded too when you step into them using the during debugging.
- Task - Time spent working on tasks (tasks in Task List view) and resources.