程序变更跟踪系统 SafePatch
SafePatch 可让你编辑程序文件并跟踪这些变更以便反应到不同的安装版本中。
It's written in PHP, but can patch non-PHP applications because no integration into their source code is required. A bundled Control Panel allows easy tracking, installing, reverting, and diffing of available patches. SafePatch has an intuitive text patch file syntax which is uniform for text and binary files and independent of the engine being patched, has default support for VQMod .xml patches and FluxBB README mods, is written in OOP and uses events (and thus is easily extensible), and doesn't need a database.
- dependencies-free self-contained core (safepatch.php)
- web admin panel for managing installed patched, tracking their changes (diff), etc.
- patch builds with a web interface to revert them - all in one PHP script
- atomic patching/reverting: if an error occurs (e.g. a file could not be written) all changes are rolled back
- stability: detection of changes done to the patch or patched files after the patch has been applied
- high-quality object-oriented code using exceptions instead of die()