MySQL表结构比对更新工具 - sqlupdate

openkk 13年前

sqlupdate 读取 MySQL 的表定义 SQL 文件(tables.sql),然后与现有数据库中进行比较,然后生成更新数据库结构的 SQL 语句。

sqlupdate v1.6.5 - Copyright (C) Joel Yliluoma (    Usage:      sqlupdate [options] >changes.sql         (Creates an update script)    Options:      -t tablefile          Describes the file containing                            the new sql layout. Default: tables.sql      -d database           Default: winnie3      -h host               Default: localhost      -u user               Default: root      -i                    Use CREATE INDEX instead of ALTER..ADD KEY      -m                    Add comments explaining the differences      -c                    Ignore character set differences      -p pass      -r                    Reverse operation. (new->old)    Example:    ./sqlupdate -t etimgr.sql -d etimgr | mysql -uroot    This program does not update a database. It only  produces update scripts (which show the differences).
