UIKit - 轻量级 JavaScript UI 组件
UIKit 是一组轻量级(gzip压缩之后只有4kb),简单,实现,灵活的UI组件。
这些组件可工作在大部分浏览器之上,当前的组件有:对话框dialog, 确认框confirmation, 颜色选择器color picker, flipping cards, 类似于growl的消息提醒,一个右键菜单。
Each component comes with multiple options like the dialog having a modal-like display option notifications having standard, warning and error modes.
Items are mostly styled to have structure-only rules which eases applying any custom styling to match our apps.
Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://visionmedia.github.com/uikit/
Download: https://github.com/visionmedia/uikit
Website: http://visionmedia.github.com/uikit/
Download: https://github.com/visionmedia/uikit