内容管理系统 Plone CMS

fmms 13年前
     <p class="documentDescription">Plone的是一个现成的经营内容管理系统,在强大和自由的Zope应用服务器上。 Plone的是易于安装,非常灵活,并提供了一个用于管理网页内容项目,适合团体,社区,网站,互联网和局域网使用。</p>    <ul>     <li><strong>Plone is easy to install.</strong> You can install Plone with a a click and run installer, and have a content management system running on your computer in just a few minutes. </li>     <li><strong>Plone is easy to use.</strong> The Plone Team includes usability experts who have made Plone easy and attractive for content managers to add, update, and mantain content. </li>     <li><strong>Plone is international.</strong> The Plone interface has more than 35 translations, and tools exist for managing multilingual content. </li>     <li><strong>Plone is standard.</strong> Plone carefully follows standards for usability and accessibility. Plone pages are compliant with US Section 508, and the W3C's AAA rating for accessibility. </li>    </ul>    <ul>     <li><strong>Plone is Open Source.</strong> Plone is licensed under the GNU General Public License, the same license used by Linux. This gives you the right to use Plone without a license fee, and to improve upon the product. </li>     <li><strong>Plone is supported.</strong> There are close to a hundred developers in the Plone Development Team around the world, and a multitude of companies that specialize in Plone development and support. </li>     <li><strong>Plone is extensible.</strong> There is a multitude of add-on products for Plone to add new features and content types. In addition, Plone can be scripted using web standard solutions and Open Source languages. </li>     <li><strong>Plone is technology neutral.</strong> Plone can interoperate with most relational database systems, open source and commercial, and runs on a vast array of platforms, including Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris and BSD. </li>    </ul>    <p><img alt="内容管理系统 Plone CMS" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/277eb532b76808d09964404492aab8dc.png" width="250" height="177" /><br /> <br /> </p>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1327998142858" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1327998142858</a></p>