简单的C++开发工具 Sally
<div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail"> <p>"Sally - A Simple C++ IDE" 是一个简单的 Windows XP 以及以上版本下运行的 C++ 语言集成开发环境,该工具采用 C# 开发,需要有 .NET 框架 1.1 的支持。</p> <ul> <li><b>Multi compiler C++ IDE</b></li> <li><b>Other programming languages (C#,HLA,etc.) can be configured</b></li> <li><b>Projects and Solutions can be easily imported</b></li> <li><b>Project templates</b></li> <li><b>File templates</b></li> <li><b>SmartWin++ Visual GUI Designer (configured for SW 2.0, older versions are NOT supported anymore). C++ native Windows Applications can be created with virtually no code, and don't require additional dlls or the .Net Framework to run (SmartWin++ is a static library).<br /> Note: the SmartWin++ 2.0 library must be downloaded separately. </b></li> <li><b>SmartWin++ Extra Widgets (18 custom widgets + many helper classes)</b></li> <li><b>SmartWin++ Example Projects (more than 70 + 2 SW OpenGL templates)</b></li> <li><b>Icon (and image) editor</b></li> </ul> <p><img alt="简单的C++开发工具 Sally" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/87c3ae67874d34de462eae2fa0b873a6.jpg" width="660" height="509" /><br /> <br /> </p> <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1326979481968" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1326979481968</a></p> </div>