Linux 备份工具 Openduckbill
Openduckbill是一个Linux下简单的命令行备份工具,可用于监视文件/目录在有变化后是否标记为备份,并传输这些变化到本地备份目录、远程 NFS导出分卷或是用rsync命令导出到远程SSH服务器。 <p><strong>功能特性:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Supports recursive and non-recursive backup of files/directories </li> <li>Does filesystem monitoring </li> <ul> <li>Openduckbill uses pyinotify for filesystem monitoring. </li> <li>Any directory marked for backup, will be monitored for changes, and the changes will be synced to the backup destination regularly. </li> </ul> <li>Three different modes of backup. Supports backup to </li> <ul> <li>Local directory </li> <li>NFS mount </li> <li>SSH server (using rsync over ssh) </li> </ul> <li>Include/exclude files/directories from backup </li> <ul> <li>Supports including/excluding files/directories from backup using pattern matches </li> </ul> <li>Supports maintaining current and previous versions of files at backup destination. </li> <li>In NFS backup mode, the NFS partition is auto mounted. </li> <li>Ability to remove files/directories which are not part of backup schedule from backup partition. (Currently this feature supported only in LOCAL and NFS backup modes.) </li> <li>Uses YAML based config file </li> <ul> <li>Easy to read and modify </li> </ul> <li>Uses GUI dialog box to display critical information </li> <li>Has built-in logging system </li> <li>Daemon mode and Non-daemon mode </li> <li>Extensive DEBUG info mode </li> <li>Fully client side application </li> <ul> <li>Minimal (or no) configuration required on server </li> </ul> </ul> <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>