Maven 的 Lucene 插件 - Maven Lucene Plugin
这个项目是maven的一个Apache Lucene插件。它使用,一个Lucene 索引(在一个XML文件中配置)可以从不同的数据源创建如:文件/数据库/XML等。一个搜索工具类可用于搜索该索引文件,使用 Lucene 不需要编码。 <header> <h2>特性:<br /> </h2> </header> <ul class="features"> <li itemprop="providedFeatures">Read configuration file and create index as a maven plugin goal</li> <li itemprop="providedFeatures">Provide a dependency which reads the same config file and provides easy to use search functions on teh Lucene Index</li> <li itemprop="providedFeatures">Read data to index from file datasource</li> <li itemprop="providedFeatures">Read data to index from database</li> <li itemprop="providedFeatures">Read data to index from XML Files</li> <li itemprop="providedFeatures">Use advance features of lucene from configuration file</li> <li itemprop="providedFeatures">Open Luke on the index location in config file from a maven goal</li> </ul> <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>