Java缓存系统 SHOP.COM Cache System
<p>这是SHOP.COM 网站所使用的对象缓存系统,主要特性包括如下几个方面:</p> <p>* 支持进程内和CS 模式的缓存结构<br /> * 可以进行水平扩展<br /> * 缓存对象可被存到磁盘中<br /> * 支持关联主键 <br /> * 非事务<br /> * 支持任意长度的主键和键值<br /> * 根据 TTL 进行自动垃圾回收<br /> * 可以运行于容器中或者是独立平台运行</p> <p>示例代码:</p> <pre class="brush:java; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">List<SCClientManager> clientSet = new ArrayList<SCClientManager>(); SCClientFactory clientFactory = ShopComCacheFactory.getClientFactory(); SCClientContext context = clientFactory.newContext(); context.address(new InetSocketAddress(/*address 1*/, /*port number 1*/)); SCClientManager manager = clientFactory.newClientManager(context); clientSet.add(manager); // add additional managers for each cache server myCache = new SCCache(new SCMultiManager(clientSet)); // see if your object is in the cache MyObject obj = (MyObject)myCache.get(new SCDataBlock(myKey)); // if it's not, allocate it and add it to the cache if ( obj == null ) { obj = new MyObject(); myCache.put(new SCDataBlock(myKey, obj)); }</pre> <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p></p>