MSN通讯类库 DotMSN

jopen 13年前
     <p>DotMSN是一款独立的开源类库,它不需要和官方的MSN Messenger交互,因此不必安装MSN Messenger就可以使用DotMSN和MSN Messenger服务通信.DotMSN是C#编写的,所以.NET环境支持的语言都能够使用.DotMSN类库使用简单而且实现方便。它灵活,坚固, 轻量级利于整合到任何应用系统.使用DotMSN的应用系统能实现从创建消息机器人到自定义客户端等各种不同的功能.</p>    <p>如果你的应用程序需要和Messenger服务通信,DotMSN是一个不错的工具.</p>    <ul>     <li>Connecting / disconnecting with the MSN Messenger service</li>     <li>Setting presence status</li>     <li>Event-based design to notify contact presence status changes</li>     <li>Personal data of a contact</li>     <li>Owner profile details</li>     <li>Automatically synchronizes contact lists and keeps contactlist data up to date</li>     <li>Creating and changing contactgroups</li>     <li>Convenient enumerating through contacts in different lists</li>     <li>Request or receive conversations</li>     <li>Multiple users in one conversation</li>     <li>Sending and receiving decorated text messages</li>     <li>Sending typing messages</li>     <li>Privacy settings of the contactlist owner</li>     <li>Hotmail mailbox status</li>     <li>Notifications of new mail</li>     <li>Flexible tracing of warnings and errors</li>     <li>File transfers</li>     <li>User display images</li>     <li>Proxy support and custom servers</li>     <li>P2P framework support</li>     <li>Custom extendable DotMSN framework</li>     <li>MSNP9 protocol</li>     <li>Source code provided</li>    </ul>    <p></p>    <div style="text-align:center;">     <img alt="MSN通讯类库 DotMSN" src="" width="469" height="278" />    </div>    <p><br /> <br />  </p>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>