工作流编辑器 Enhydra JaWE

openkk 13年前
     基于Java的图形化工作流编辑器。图形化工作流编辑器 。使用JAVA语言开发,开放源码 。严格遵循WFMC规范 。XPDL(XML Process Definition Language)WFMC的 XML 过程描述语言 。工作流定义文件保存在本地的XML文件中。    <br />    <img style="text-align:center;display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" border="0" alt="工作流编辑器 Enhydra JaWE" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/edfe88d7db5c1ffa5dd97cc2630de304.jpg" width="200" height="161" />    <div>     <strong>编辑器功能特性:</strong>    </div>    <ul>     <li>Pure Java, useable on almost every Operating System</li>     <li>Graph actions to select all transitions between the selected activities</li>     <li>Transient XPDL package references</li>     <li>Configurable Workflow design patterns copy/paste pool support</li>     <li>Customizable activity Icons using native XPDL attributes</li>     <li>Together Workflow Server / Enhydra Shark semantics /validation</li>     <li>User-defined configurations support</li>     <li>Dynamic configuration switching at runtime</li>     <li>LDAP support to extract participants data</li>     <li>Wf-XML support</li>     <li>Undo/Redo support for every editor action</li>     <li>View referring elements for an XPDL element</li>     <li>Modeless editing dialogs</li>     <li>Navigation history with backward/forward navigation</li>     <li>Revert button in every edit dialog</li>     <li>Propagation of element selections to all panels</li>     <li>Direct navigation to referrenced elements</li>     <li>Expression editing support including selection of process variables</li>     <li>Graph rotation (horizontal or vertical swin lanes)</li>     <li>Expression based participants in the graph with full editing support</li>     <li>XPDL element view including syntax highlighting</li>     <li>Problem highlighting and extended navigation tree</li>     <li>On-line documentation including XPDL explainations and configuration</li>     <li>130+ pages PDF documentation with an XPDL editing guide</li>     <li>Graph overview with navigation possibilites</li>     <li>Possibility to customize XPDL element's property panels</li>     <li>View relations between main XPDL package and its external packages</li>     <li>In-line property panels for editing XPDL</li>     <li>Info bar for basic information about the selected object</li>     <li>Save XPDL with XPDL namespace prefix</li>     <li>Switching of the language in the GUI</li>     <li>Optionally display transition conditions in the graph</li>     <li>Define your own custom activity, process or any other XPDL element icons, property panels...</li>     <li>Specify single or multi in/out connections per the activity type</li>     <li>API documentation for extension programming</li>     <li>...and a lot more that is needed in professional XPDL and BPMN modelling.</li>    </ul>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1324016165718" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1324016165718</a></p>