Java图表工具 JSynoptic
<p>JSynoptic是一个非常简单的Java图表工具,它把简单 数据源(data source)根据你的需要自动生成各种类型的图表,比如柱状图、饼状图。这个工具核心是 JFreeChart(JFreeChart实在太牛了),如果你仅仅需要一些统计图表,而不是做开发,那么这个工具将非常适合你。</p> <ul> <li>A data source pool that gathers all imported data sources. </li> <li>A graphical sheet editor that allows user to set up and edit shapes on several sheets. </li> <li>A strong tool library to configure shape dynamic properties, to transform data (interpolation, time offsets). </li> <li>A plugin driven architecture that makes JSynoptic easy to extend for your specific needs. </li> </ul> <p><a href=""><img alt="Java图表工具 JSynoptic" src="" width="228" height="169" /></a></p> <br /> <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>