PHP开源CMS系统 ToendaCMS
<p>toendaCMS是一个使用PHP开发的易于安装、使用、维护的开源内容管理系统,支持基于XML的存储技术,提供众多使用功能。 toendaCMS安装很傻瓜,后台界面强大友好,系统集成度很高,自带了“相册”,“产品”,“留言板”,“下载”等常用模块,非常适合作为开源项目的 站点,小型企业的网上门户,当然作为个人的Blog系统当然更是绰绰有余了。</p> <h3><strong class="header">功能特性:</strong><img style="width:285px;height:261px;" title="tcms_newseditor.jpg" alt="PHP开源CMS系统 ToendaCMS" align="right" src="" width="250" height="229" /> <br /> </h3> <ul> <li>Dynamic elements (Sidebar, Content pages and Menus)</li> <li>Contact form with adress book</li> <li>Template based Application, separation from layout and contents</li> <li>WYSIWYG Editor</li> <li>Poll Module</li> <li>Template Chooser</li> <li>Image gallery with albums and seperate image viewer</li> <li>Guestbook, a MUST-BE for privat pages</li> <li>Law-conformal Impressum</li> <li>News Manager and archive with categories to seperate news in different themes</li> <li>Rights Management with individual rights and groups for each user</li> <li>Download Manager, administer your downloads</li> <li>Products Manager, administer your products (a integrated shop module is in work)</li> <li>Language Packs (see "Supported Languages" for a list of available languages</li> <li>Administer Links</li> <li>Edit your layout online</li> <li>Create a weblog with different categories and comment function</li> <li>Statistics to have more control about your guests and the software in use</li> <li>Knowledgebase for FAQ's and articles</li> <li>Test Environment for testing the website as long as the page is offline</li> <li>vCard import and export</li> <li>Multi-lingual content</li> <li>etc.</li> </ul> <h3>用到的技术</h3> <ul> <li>Browser based administration of content and layout</li> <li>Platform independent: Unix (UNIX, Linux, BSD, Solaris), Windows 9x - Vista, Mac OS X, etc.</li> <li>PHP5</li> <li>XML-Database with XML-Parser</li> <li>SQL Abstraction Layer</li> <li>Components API for simple development of own Plugins</li> <li>etc.</li> </ul> <h3>支持的数据库服务器</h3> <ul> <li>XML flat file</li> <li>MySQL</li> <li>postgreSQL</li> <li>Microsoft SQL Server</li> <li>SQLite (unofficiell)</li> </ul> <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>