
The PSD was constructed using vectors, so it’s fully editable and scalable. You’ll notice there are a few new UI elements as compared to the iPhone interface. The workable screen design is formatted to 768 x 1024 so anything you design in the Photoshop file can easily be brought over to the SDK.
Tutorial: Develop An Angry Birds Like Game With Cocos2D And Box2D Step-By-Step

I’ve come across an excellent tutorial that while creating a similar takes a different approach using the Box2D game engine. The tutorial uses a catapult to fire at the structures, and creates a much more polished result with a scrolling camera, Box2D joints, and more.
Web Development For The iPhone And iPad: Getting Started

This article focuses on three phases of building and optimizing your website: design, coding and testing.

A free testing service for mobile developers, managers and testers.

weinre is a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone.

Created specifically for iPhone & iPad apps, they're also perfect for Android, websites, t-shirts, tattoos and more.
iPhone Game Tutorial With Videos – Programming Tutorials

These tutorials are from 71 squared. They run through the steps to creating a game on the iPhone in tremendous detail, and include source code. Included are in-depth videos.
iOS 5 : Look Up Definitions Using Dictionary Service

With iOS 5, there is now a dictionary service that you can access to look up definitions of words. UIReferenceLibraryViewController makes it as easy as creating an instance of the class and providing a term/word to lookup.
Using XCode 4 Snippets

Here is a quick demonstration of the power of snippets

Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet. This includes requests, responses and the HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information).