Android_制作gold card金卡教程

1. Download QMAT

  2. Format your memory card to fat32. Please keep in mind some card does not work.

  3. Search in your android market for ‘Terminal Emulator’
因为没有market,所以要另外下载安装一个Terminal Emulator(超级终端),安装网上有超级终端的apk,本贴6楼有下载

  4. type ‘ cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid ‘ without the quote sign.
在超级终端中输入cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid,然后按虚拟键盘的回车,如果不行,按下G2中间的小圆点

  5. Note that code down on a notepad or something. Make sure everything is noted correctly.

  6) Go to QMAT site, download QMAT

  7) Extract the file, double click on qmat.exe

  8 ) Click on Cyptoanalysis Tools > Crypto Toolbox
找到qmat菜单栏中的Cyptoanalysis Tools,然后点里面的Crypto Toolbox

  9) Look way below, there is a text box (beside “Reverse String” button. Key in the cid number you’ve got earlier
Click on the “Reverse String” button, the result is reversed…
Example: 532600bd227d9c0347329407514d5402
把你刚才记下来的那串编码(如532600bd227d9c0347329407514d5402)输入"Reverse String” 按钮左边的文本框,然后按下"Reverse String”,得到反编译后的一窜CID编码,如02544d5107943247039c7d22bd002653

  10) Copy the reversed cid

  11) Go to QMAT again to generate your goldcard (this is free for G1 phone, Thanks to Viper!)
去到这个网站,这个网站用来创建一个gold card镜像文件

  12) Enter your email. For the CID, enter the reversed cid you’ve got earlier. However you need to replace the first 2 characters to 00.
Example: From “532600bd227d9c0347329407514d5402” to “002600bd227d9c0347329407514d5402”

  13) click Continue and you will receive the goldcard.img via your email.

  14) Go to your email, download the goldcard.img and save it to a directory first.

  15) Now, download HxD Hex Editor for this site ... 1068.html?tag=mncol
去网站下载HxD Editor


  16) Install and launch HxD Hex Editor program
安装和运行HxD Editor

  17) Go to Extra tab > Open Disk. Under Physical disk, select Removable Disk (Must be your SD card), uncheck “Open as Readonly), click OK.
点Extra tab菜单,点Open Disk,在Physical disk底下,选择Removable Disk,确定这个必须是你的SD card,不要勾选Open as Readonly,点OK

  18) Go to Extra again, Open Disk Image, open up goldcard.img which you’ve saved to a directory earlier.
Now, you should have two tabs, one is your removable disk, the other is goldcard.img. Press OK when prompted for “Sector Size” 512 (Hard disks/Floppy disks), click OK.
再次点Extra tab菜单,点Open Disk Image,选择你刚才从邮件中保存下来的goldcard.img,点OK,“Sector Size” 512 (Hard disks/Floppy disks),点OK

  19) Click on goldcard.img tab. Go to Edit tab > Select All, edit tab again > copy.
点 goldcard.img tab,然后在Edit菜单中点select all,然后再在Edit菜单中点copy

  20) Click on the “removable disk” tab. Select offset 00000000 till offset 00000170, click on Edit tab and then Paste Write.
点 removable disk tab 选择 00000000 到 00000170的部分,点Edit菜单点 Paste Write

  21) Click on File > Save. You may exit this program

  Now, do a test to see if your SD card is “compatible”