Fresh Free jQuery Plugins Of February 2011


1) Imagin8

Imagin8 will transition between images with a nice fade In/Out. It only requires a couple of lines of CSS and a regular jQuery Plugin call. You have full control on the number of images, the delay and a lot more.

2) jQuery Accordion Image Menu Plugin

This Plugin allows to create an accordion menu using images as background. It’s allows multiple animations effects like: swing, circ, back, bounce, etc using the jQuery UI Effects.

3) gMap v3

gMap is a lightweight plugin that helps you embed Google Maps into your website. I ported it to v3 API from nurtext version.

4) Gallery View

GalleryView is a content-gallery plugin capable of displaying any HTML content in an animated gallery view. Visit the project home page for documentation and demonstrations.

5) ACcontact Me

Jquery plugin named “AC Jform”- ajaxed contact form.

6) 非死book Wall

this jQuery plugin allows you to display the 非死book wall of an user, a page or an app on your own website.

7) Columnizer jQuery Plugin