

$dropDownPanels - JQuery Drop Down Panel Menu

The Drop Down Panel menu adds a pull down panel when you hover a menu button. This script is made as JQuery plugin. It can be used from horizontal menus as well as for vertical menus.

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Hycus Simple Accordion

This plugin helps you to implement a simple accordion straight away. Easy to use and easy to customize it. Just CSS tweaks can give great results.

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jQuery Database Project

The plugin provides 2 things: A full-featured database and a multi language system.

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jQuery jsPuzzle

Simple Photo Puzzle game

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JQuery loadJSON plugin

Jquery loadJSON plugin is a HTML based templating engine that enables you to load JSON objects directly into the HTML template.

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Digital Rain

Generates the falling digital rain effect seen in The Matrix movies inside a div tag.

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This is just a Google Maps Api v3 interface to add-remove and group markers on a map.

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$().transformable() Rotate Skew and Scale your div

If you use Draggable and Resizable, extend this with Transformable. You will find four new handles to Rotate, Skew horizontal, Skew vertical and Scale. This will not just change the appearance of your div, but of all its contents as well, including text, pictures and other divs.

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Keep Reading

The 'Keep Reading' plugin can be used to display a small tag in the lower right portion of a screen when the page contains content below the fold. This is very useful for mobile browsers where you may desire a long form on one page in order to cut down on network trips. The tag will alert users that they need to scroll to view additional content. Once the user scrolls the page, the 'more content' tag is animated out of view. If the page is short enough to display without scrolling, no tag will be inserted.

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Mobilis jWebFont for Hangul webfonts

Generally, The size of Korean Hangul webfont file - including TTF/OTF/WOFF/EOT - is very large, around 1MB ~ 4MB. jWebfont jQuery plugin helps you to manage webfonts very easely in jQuery.

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slideIO - A Simple In/Out Slideshow

This is a simple slideshow based on one effect: sliding in and out (well, it does a fade, too).

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Tipped - The Javascript Tooltip Framework

Tipped allows you to easily create beautiful tooltips using your Javascript framework of choice.

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WowWindow is an advanced modal window script and Lightbox alternative, which allows you to create zooming windows from images, inline content, or videos (油Tube or Vimeo). It uses CSS3 transformations (rotate or zoom) to present the windows, but still degrades sufficiently for browsers that do not support this.

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Accordion multilevel menu

jQuery accordion menus are menus that act like a musical accordion, with regards to their ability to expand and contract based on user interactions. This helps display additional information for the active menu items, while hiding non-relevant information from the user. Additionally, it can help add more content without sacrificing white space, leading to more usable and attractive user interface design.

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Hycus simple ajax tabs

This is a simple ajax tab plugin which give a effective output. It works with all major browsers including Mozilla, Google chrome, Microsoft IE, Apple Safari and Opera.

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jQuery jsContext

jsContext allows developers to easily add custom context menus and tooltips to their websites/apps.

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jQuery Price Format Plugin is a plugin to format input text fields as prices. For example, if you type 123456, the plugin updates it to US$ 1,234.56. It is costumizable, so you can use other prefixes and separators (for example, use it to get R$ 1.234,55), and also limit the the number of chars or change the size of the cents field (for example, to get US$ 12.345)

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Ascensor is a plugin that manage and adapts the content to fit the window. Subsequently, he created a navigation system and links as needed. Ascensor identifies div child of the container selected, and he make one floor per containter founded.

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Overscroll - Add iPhone Scrolling To Your Website!

Overscroll is a jQuery plug-in that mimics the iphone/ipad scrolling experience in a browser

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PhotoSmart jQuery Gallery Plugin

PhotoSmart is a jQuery based thumbnail gallery. It allows you to create multiple galleries on a single webpage or on multiple webpages. It has a number of different effects that can be applied or changed very quickly. All galleries are created in code from your gallery folder its then just a matter of adding the gallery element in your webpage. There are a number of load effects, mosaic, zig-zag, faderows and a few more.

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ReadMyTweet - jQuery 推ter scroller

jQuery 推ter scroller in 3 colors. Black, White and Blue

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SquareMe plugin create many squares into the selected div, and animate it by changing its color, opacity and remove it.

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2 level horizontal roll over menu

This script creates a menu with two levels. The second level is hidden and will only appear when you move over a menu button. The menu buttons of the second level are displayed on a single row. This is a userfriendly menu type and saves a lot of space on the page. Although the second menu slides from under the first menu. This effect is obtained by using JQuery. The menu is built using ul and li tags. The CSS provides the layout.

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Drag Scroller

This plugin allows to create a canvas and use mouse dragging (similar to iPhone/iPad scroll) to scroll every object queried by the scroller, providing a smooth scroll effect. The plugin allows customization of redraw function in order to cope with performance issues (eg.: to implement clipping of far away canvas items)

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jQuery News Ticker

An easy to use, slick and flexible news ticker in the style of the BBC News page ticker (http://news.bbc.co.uk). Latest version adds fade effect between news items as an option.

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jQuery Pagination Plugin: Smart Paginator

Smart Paginator is a comprehensive jQuery Pagination plugin that makes adding pagination very simple task, all the navigation logic is built in and it is also very customizable. Smart Paginator supports variety of parameters and custom themes, that can be used to customize the look and feel to your desire.

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slideLock adds a jQuery UI slider along with labels and notes to any form you wish as an alternative to traditional CAPTCHA. The user simply slides the form to unlock the submit button and then both client side and server side validation techniques ensure secure submission of the form.

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DCS Image Zoom

Image zoomer. Great for the product viewer in your web.

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The comic player is a navigation interface for webcomic pages, based on imgAreaWalk.

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jQuery.folderPreview is a jQuery plugin that takes a series of images and positions them so that they appear within a folder graphic. This enhances the attractiveness of a browsing UI system, allowing the user to visualize the contents of the folder. Highly customizable, folderPreview scales back images, "tucks" them in behind a folder graphic using CSS positioning techniques, and rotates them slightly with a separate compatible plugin (jQuery.rotate). It can also select images to process randomly via jQuery.shuffle. These plugins are available for download with folderPreview.

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This plug-in is a plug-in to do reversi.

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