- 第一本Docker书 (7.4分)
- Docker —— 从入门到实践 (内容一般)
- The Docker Book
- Docker in Action (Early Access Edition)
- Docker in Practice (Early Access Edition)
- Docker 技术入门与实战 (6.1分)
- Docker源码分析
- Docker——容器与容器云
- Docker in the Trenches:Successful Production Deployment
- docker cookbook:80 hands-on recipes to efficiently work with the Docker 1.6 environment on Linux
- Using docker
- Orchestrating Docker
- Docker:Up and Running
- Docker开发实践
- Build Your Own PaaS with Docker:Create, modify, and run your own PaaS with modularized containers using Docker
- Docker中文指南 (中文,质量一般,较老)
- Docker Cheat Sheet
- Docker Guidebook
- The Docker Ecosystem
- awesome-docker (英文docker资源汇总)
- Docker Weekly Archives
- Valuable Docker Links
- Docker Ecosystem
- Digital Ocean Community
- 开源中国社区Docker技术翻译文章
- Docker官方博客
- Coreos官方博客
- Century Links Labs
- SequenceIQ Blog
- Tutum Blog
- Weave Blog
- Odd Bits
- Project Atomic
- Container Solutions
- 灵雀云博客
- jpetazzo
- Jeff Lindsay
- Jason Wilder
- Michael Crosby
- Matt Bajor
- Scott's Weblog
- Luis Elizondo
- zwischenzugs
- Musings of Matt Williams
- Coreos (比较成熟)
- Atomic (新出,内置kubernetes)
- Rancheio (较新)
- Snappy (A new, transactionally updated Ubuntu for clouds and devices)
- Photon
- ClearLinux (The Clear Linux™ Project for Intel® Architecture is a project that is building a Linux OS distribution for various cloud use cases)
- boot2docker (Lightweight Linux for Docker)
- dvm (An on demand Docker virtual machine)
- rocket (coreos推出)
- dockerlite (Lightweight virtualization system based on LXC and BTRFS)
- lmctfy (lmctfy is the open source version of Google’s container stack, which provides Linux application containers.)
- OpenVZ
- Hyper (Hyper = Hypervisor + Kernel + Docker Image)
- bocker (100行bash实现的docker)
- kubernetes (最有可能成为事实标准的一个,已经获得诸多平台支持)
- shipyard (带GUI)
- swarm (官方出品,尚在初期)
- citadel (用于创建管理工具的tookit,shipyard即是基于此开发)
- docker-cluster (使用Docker remote api)
- compose (Define and run complex applications using Docker.原来的Fig)
- shutit (Complex and Dynamic Docker Builds Made Simple)
- maestro (Container orchestration for Docker environments)
- decking (A Docker helper to create, manage and run clusters of containers)
- flocker (Easily manage Docker containers & their data)
- serf (Service orchestration and management tool)
- marathon (Deploy and manage containers (including Docker) on top of Apache Mesos at scale)
- gaudi (Gaudi allows to share multi-component applications, based on Docker, Go, and YAML)
- panamax (Docker management for humans)
- clocker (Brooklyn managed Docker containers)
- fleet (将systemd的能力扩展到多个机器)
- Meteor(Clustering solution for Meteor with load balancing and service discovery)
- helios (Docker container orchestration platform)
- maestro-ng (Orchestration of Docker-based, multi-host environments)
- shipper (Fabric for docker containers)
- origin (OpenShift 3 - build, deploy, and manage your applications with Docker and Kubernetes)
- autodock (The docker container automation tool.)
- virtkick (Manage virtual machines or Docker containers easily)
- blockade (Docker-based utility for testing network failures and partitions in distributed applications,docs)
- rancher (A Platform for Operating Docker in
- cSphere (容器虚拟化管理平台,提供可视化界面,容器、镜像、机器、仓库等管理。商业软件,有试用版)
- rocker-compose (Docker composition tool with idempotency features for deploying apps composed of multiple containers.)
- flynn (A next generation open source platform as a service)
- deis (Your PaaS. Your Rules)
- peas (Docker and Ruby based PaaS)
- dawn (Docker-based PaaS in Ruby)
- octohost(Simple web focused Dockerfile based PaaS server)
- dokku (Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash)
- cloudfoundry
- paz (A pluggable in-house service platform with a PaaS-like workflow, built on Docker, CoreOS, Etcd and Fleet)
- armada (Complete solution for development, deployment, configuration and discovery of microservices)
- openstack-docker (Nova driver and Glance backend to use Docker inside OpenStack)
- Jenkins Cloud Plugin for Docker
- deimos (Mesos containerizer hooks for Docker)
- garether-docker (Puppet module for managing docker)
- systemd-docker (Wrapper for "docker run" to handle systemd quirks)
- docker-ansible (Ansible module for Docker)
- seagull (Friendly Web UI to monitor docker daemon)
- dockerana (Docker Monitoring with support for Grafana and Graphite)
- docker-mon(Console-based Docker monitoring)
- cadvisor (Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers)
- Prometheus (The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database,see the docker exporter)
- weave (The Docker Network)
- wormhole (A smart proxy to connect docker containers.)
- flannel (flannel is an etcd backed network fabric for containers)
- calico-docker(Docker version of Project Calico,Calico can provide networking in a Docker environment)
- libnetwork (networking for containers)
- drone (A Continuous Integration platform built on Docker)
- tug (Docker development workflow)
- vagga(Vagga is a tool to create development environments)
- longshoreman (Automated deployment with Docker)
- centurion (A mass deployment tool for Docker fleets)
- shutit (Complex and Dynamic Docker Builds Made Simple)
- dockership (dead simple docker deploy tool)
- devstep (Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks)
- docker-devenv (Docker based development environment)
- dexec (Command line interface for running code with Docker Exec images)
- skydock (基于DNS)
- Consul (Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration)
- registrator(Service registry bridge for Docker with pluggable adapters)
- etcd (A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery)
- docker-grand-ambassador ( fully dynamic docker link ambassador)
- confd (Manage local application configuration files using templates and data from etcd or consul)
- ambassadord (Magic Docker ambassador)
- logcabin (LogCabin is a distributed storage system built on Raft that provides a small amount of highly replicated, consistent storage)
- docket (Custom docker registry that allows for lightning fast deploys through bittorrent)
- docker-registry (Registry server for Docker (hosting/delivering of repositories and images))
- wharf(ContainerOps Open Source Platform)
- distribution (The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content)
- dogestry (simple docker image storage on s3)
- docker-private-registry (Private Docker Registry)
- speedy (a distributed docker image storage)
- dockerboard (Simple dashboards, visualizations, managements for your dockers)
- Kitematic (用于MAC)
- dockerui (A web interface for docker)
- docker-registry-web (A web UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration)
- panamax-ui (The Web GUI for Panamax)
- seagull (Friendly Web UI to monitor docker daemon)
- pfs (A git-like distributed file system for a dockerized world)
- docker-volumes (Docker Volume Manager)
- ferry (使用docker来构建部署大数据应用(hadoop,spark...),
- codecube (Docker-powered runnable code snippets)
- DUnit (Test code against multiple versions of PHP with the help of docker)
- PHP Stack (Docker- and Shipyard-managed PHP development stack: Nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP-FPM, HHVM, Memcached, Redis, and Elasticsearch. Includes an optional Vagrant-managed CoreOS proxy box at your leisure.)
- Django Demo (Demo Django App using Docker)
- dnt (Docker Node Tester)
- dockermail (A secure, minimal-configuration mail server in a docker container.)
- docker-rpm-builder (Build native RPM packages by leveraging docker capabilities)
- tmpnb (Creates temporary Jupyter Notebook servers using Docker containers)
- open-ocr (Run your own OCR-as-a-Service using Tesseract and Docker)
- dray (An engine for managing the execution of container-based workflows)
- kolla (Deploying OpenStack using Kubernetes and Docker)
- docker-desktop (Docker Desktop enables you to create virtual desktops that can be accessed remotely. It comes with Firefox and Libreoffice already installed)
- dockly (DSL and Gem for building ready-to-launch Docker images)
- baseimage-docker (A minimal Ubuntu base image modified for Docker-friendlines)
- busybox (Busybox for Stackbrew)
- busybox (Busybox container with glibc+opkg)
- dockerfile-examples
- passenger-docker (Docker base images for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor web apps)
- Dockerfile Project
- Dockerfiles(Collection of Dockerfiles)
- docker-desktop (create virtual desktops that can be accessed remotely)
- StealthBox(Share your favorite content remotely without spoiling your home network)
- Machine Learning (Get up and running with machine learning using Docker)
- Gitlab (Dockerized gitlab web server)
- Discourse (A Docker image for Discourse)
- OpenV*N (Recipe to build an OpenV*N image for Docker)
- Wordpress+Nginx (A Dockerfile that installs the latest wordpress, nginx and php-fpm.Another wordpress image) 另一个wordpress
- Nginx-Proxy (Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen)
- docker-squash (Squash docker images to make them smaller)
- Mysql (Docker image to run an out-of-the-box MySQL server)
- CentOS-Dockerfiles (Dockerfiles for various common implementations)
- Redmine (Dockerized redmine app server)
- Spark (Dockerfiles and scripts for Spark and Shark Docker images)
- docker-grafana-graphite (Docker image with StatsD, Graphite, Grafana and a Kamon Dashboard)
- Elasticsearch (ElasticSearch Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds)
- docker-alpine (Docker image based on Alpine Linux will help you win at minimalism
- Hadoop (Hadoop docker image)
- R (R configurations for Docker)
- ASP.NET (Docker image for ASP.NET 5.)
- nmpjs (Docker image for a private npmjs repository)
- Jenkins (Builds a Docker image for Jenkins)
- Postgres (Docker Official Image packaging for Postgres)
- Logstash (Docker image for Logstash 1.4 )
- dockize (Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers)
- Supervisor (A Process Control System)
- CFEngine (Process management)
- docker-gen (Generate files from docker container meta-data)
- tini (A tiny but validinitfor containers)
- S6 (s6 is a small suite of programs for UNIX, designed to allow process supervision)
- powerstrip (A tool for prototyping Docker extensions)
- docker-py (Python)
- docker-api (Ruby)
- dockernode (Node.js)
- go-dockerclient (Golang)
- docker-php (PHP)
- dockerclient (Golang)
- docker-java (Java)
- dockersh (A shell which places users into individual docker containers)
- buildstep (Buildstep uses Docker and Buildpacks to build applications like Heroku)
- dind(Docker in Docker)
- building (Build a Docker container for any app using Heroku Buildpacks)
- torrent-docker (realtime boot of remote docker images using bittorrent)
- docker-backup (Tool for backing up docker volume / data containers)
- Docker Support in IntelliJ IDEA 14.1
- dockerception (Docker building dockers - keeping them small)
- The Frontend Developer's Guide to Docker
- Docker and Go: why did we decide to write Docker in Go?(pdf)
- How to Use Docker on OS X: The Missing Guide
- 24 random docker tips
- The 5 Most Important Things I’ve Learned From Using Docker
- A Simple Way to Dockerize Applications
- Docker orchestration
- Docker's rise from sleeper to open source king
- Faster Builds with Container-Based Infrastructure and Docker
- How to Use Docker on Windows
- Run ARM binaries in your Docker Container using Boot2Docker…
- Docker on OS X with VMWare Fusion
- Docker 笔记
- 关于Docker你应该知道的10件事
- Docker的大坑小洼 / 再谈《Docker的大坑小洼》
- Docker Image Insecurity
- Building good docker images
- Your docker image might might be broken without you knowing it
- Flat Docker images
- Baseimage-docker, fat containers and "treating containers as VMs"
- Create The Smallest Possible Docker Container
- Creating a Docker image from your code
- Optimizing Docker Images
- Building Docker Images for Static Go Binaries
- Squashing Docker Images
- Building a Multi-Purpose Docker Image
- Docker layers cost
- Deterministic and minimal docker images
- Comprehensive Overview of Storage Scalability in Docker
- Resizing Docker containers with the Device Mapper plugin
- Where are Docker images stored?
- Persistent Distributed Filesystems in Docker without NFS or Gluster
- 深入Docker存储驱动 (slide)
- Deep dive into Docker storage drivers
- 6 Dockerfile Tips from the Official Images
- Writing Dockerfile
- How to Optimize Your Dockerfile
- Dockerfile Golf (or optimizing the Docker build process)
- Dockerfile Best Practices
- What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile?
- Docker and the PID 1 zombie reaping problem
- Data-only container madness
- On-demand activation of Docker containers with systemd
- Docker and S6 – My New Favorite Process Supervisor
- On Docker Container Composition
- Introducing a Super Privileged Container Concept
- Docker Inspect Template Magic
- ‘Piping’ Hot Docker Containers
- Checkpoint and restore Docker container with CRIU
- shocker: docker PoC VMM-container breakout
- Containers&Docker: How secure are they?
- Docker and SELinux
- Bringing new security features to Docker
- Docker Secure Deployment Guidelines
- Docker Container Breakout Proof-Of-Concept Exploit
- The dangers of UFW + Docker
- Tuning Docker with the newest security enhancements
- Resource management in Docker (与systemd有关)
- Advanced networking
- DNS And docker containers
- Coupling Docker and Open vSwitch
- Connecting Docker containers on multiple hosts
- Docker部署基于Ryu的SDN环境
- Muti-host Docker Network
- Life and Docker networking
- Docker intercontainer networking explained
- Four ways to connect a docker container to a local network
- Docker intercontainer networking explained
- 从SDN以及Docker看网络模型发生的变革 (English)
- nsinit: per-container resource monitoring of Docker containers on RHEL/Fedora
- Runtime Metrics
- Monitor Docker Containers with Prometheus
- PostgreSQL Performance on Docker
- Performance Analysis of Docker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- Preview of Docker Benchmarking at Flux7
- Getting Started with Performance Analysis of Docker
- Docker network performances
- Docker Containers: Smaller is not always better
- 唱衰Docker (English)
- docker is the heroku killer
- boycott docker
- Docker isn't so bad
- Is docker ready for production?
- After Docker:Unikernels and Immutable Infrastructure
- Docker’s Killer Feature
- Linux Containers: Parallels, LXC, OpenVZ, Docker and More
- dockerizability is better than dockerized
- Java开发人员需要注意的五大Docker误区 (English)
- Challenges With Randomness In Multi-tenant Linux Container Platforms
- App Container and Docker
- App Container Specification
- Why Docker and Coreos'split was predictable
- Of Containers, Dockers, Rockets, and Daemons
- Rocket vs Docker and The Myth of the “Simple, Lightweight Enterprise Platform
- Why CoreOS just fired a Rocket at Docker
- What is Rocket and How It’s Different Than Docker
- Exploring LXC Networking
- Linux Containers (archwiki上的内容)
- cgroups (内核官方文档)
- Managing system resources on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (推荐)
- Cgroups (archwiki上的内容)
- The systemd for Administrators Blog Series (great series,check the index in here)
- Getting Started with systemd (from coreos)
- Systemd (from archwiki)
- Running Docker Containers with Systemd
- Docker without Docker (slide)
- Namespaces in operation
- Introduction to Linux namespaces – Part 1: UTS / part2 /part3 / part4 /part5
- Docker背后的内核知识——Namespace资源隔离
- 剖析Docker Swarm和Mesos:是什么?如何结合?有什么优势? (English)
- Getting Started with docker swarm
- Scaling docker with swarm
- Docker Swarm入门(一)概观 / (二)配置选项与基本运行环境要求 / (三)Swarm SOA举例 / (四)Demo
- Creating SSL/TLS Certificates for Docker and Docker Swarm
- Running a Small Docker Swarm Cluster
- Launching a Docker Container on Mesosphere
- Managing Docker Clusters Using Mesos and Marathon
- Docker on Mesos
- Running Docker Containers on Marathon
- Mesos + Docker Tutorial: How to Build Your Own Framework
- ArangoDB on Apache Mesos using Marathon and Docker
- Continuous Delivery with Docker on Mesos in less than a minute – Part 1 / part2
- Deploying Kubernetes on CoreOS with Fleet and Flannel
- Running Kubernetes Example on CoreOS, Part 1
- How To Install and Configure Kubernetes on top of a CoreOS Cluster
- Corekube: Running Kubernetes on CoreOS via OpenStack
- 基于Kubernetes构建Docker集群管理详解
- Play With Kubernetes Quickly Using Docker
- Docker and Microsoft: Integrating Docker with Windows Server and Microsoft Azure
- Windows Docker内部原理猜想
- Chef, Puppet, Heat, Juju, Docker, etc
- Powerstrip: prototype Docker extensions today
- Docker extensions: the new Docker plugins model
- Docker Without Containers: Introducing Pullcontainer --docker and CVFS
- Process Management with CFEngine (CFEngine)
- Introducing flannel: An etcd backed overlay network for containers (flannel)
- Tiny docker operating system (Boot2Docker,RancherOS)
- Deploying Docker applications on YARN via Slider (PPT)(YARN)
- Dockerizing a Python Web App
- Deploying NGINX and NGINX Plus with Docker
- Automated Nginx Reverse Proxy for Docker
- Transparent Squid in a container
- Deploying and migrating a multi-node ElasticSearch-Logstash-Kibana cluster using Docker
- Node With Docker - Continuous Integration and Delivery
- Rails on Docker
- Ad Hoc Log Analysis with Kibana and Docker
- Networking Spark Cluster on Docker with Weave
- Breaking Data Out of the Enterprise
- Using dockeer to build a data acqusition pipeline with kafka and hbase
- How to use MongoDB & NodeJS with Docker
- Wrapping Desktop Apps with Docker
- Deploying RethinkDB applications with Docker using Dokku
- Shipping Node.js Applications with Docker and Codeship
- Using Docker with Apache Flume - Part 1 / part2
- Multi-node Hadoop cluster on Docker
- Elasticsearch, Weave and Docker
- Running libvirtd in a container
- Creating honeypots using Docker
- Docker Containers on the Desktop
- Running GUI apps with Docker
- Docker desktop: Your desktop over ssh running inside of a docker container
- Service Discovery Overview
- Consul Service Discovery with Docker
- Understanding Modern Service Discovery with Docker
- Automatic Docker Service Announcement with Registrator
- Docker Service Discovery Using Etcd and Haproxy
- Simulating service discovery in a development context with Docker and etcd
- Docker: Git for deployment
- Eight Docker Development Patterns
- Deploy Java Apps With Docker = Awesome
- Docker for Java Developers: How to sandbox your app in a clean environment
- Using Docker with Github and Jenkins for repeatable deployments
- Creating an ASP.NET vNext Docker Container using Mono
- Move fast and don’t break things! Testing with Jenkins, Ansible and Docker
- Docker and Phoenix: How to Make Your Continuous Integration More Awesome
- Docker实战:更轻松、更愉快、更高效 (English)
- Docker in Action - Development to Delivery / part2 / part3
- ASP.NET 5 development on OS X with Docker
- 减少使用Java应用服务器,迎接Docker容器 (English)
- Docker at Lyst
- Docker at Shopify: How we built containers that power over 100,000 online shops
- Intro to Docker ...and how we use it at writeLaTex
- How We Use Docker For Continuous Delivery – Part 1
- How Syncano Used Docker to Simplify Their Development Process
- Docker in Production — What We’ve Learned Launching Over 300 Million Containers
- 10x: Docker at
- BATTLEFY : How We Ship
- Docker in Production — What We’ve Learned Launching Over 300 Million Containers
- A production ready Docker workflow / part2 / part3 / part4
- How We Deploy Containers at Grammarly
- Developing With Docker At 500px, Part One
- 大规模Docker集群助力微博迎接春晚峰值挑战
- Docker在春晚中的实际表现
- Docker系列之二:基于容器的自动构建 (美团)
- Mesos在去哪儿网的应用
- Docker on Raspberry Pi
- The IoT Singularity: Docker for Internet of Things Devices
- Heavily ARMed after major upgrade: Raspberry Pi with Docker 1.5.0
- Getting Docker to run on Power8
- Swarming Raspberry Pi – Part 1