OpenPGP实现:OpenKeychain (for Android)

jopen 10年前

OpenKeychain (for Android)是OpenPGP在Android平台上的一个实现。允许您管理加密密钥和加密信息,以及联系人文件。

Build with Gradle

  1. Get all external submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Have Android SDK "tools", "platform-tools", and "build-tools" directories in your PATH (
  3. Open the Android SDK Manager (shell command: android).
    Expand the Tools directory and select "Android SDK Build-tools (Version 19.1)".
    Expand the Extras directory and install "Android Support Repository"
    Select everything for the newest SDK Platform (API-Level 19)
  4. Export ANDROID_HOME pointing to your Android SDK
  5. Execute ./gradlew build
  6. You can install the app with adb install -r OpenKeychain/build/outputs/apk/OpenKeychain-debug-unaligned.apk

Run Tests

  1. Use OpenJDK instead of Oracle JDK
  2. Execute ./
  3. Execute ./gradlew build

项目主页:</p> </strong>