
jopen 11年前



首先,我认为是最重要的是要理解什么是“排序算法”。根据维基百科,排序算法(Sorting algorithm)是一种能将一串数据依照特定排序方式进行排列的一种算法。最常用到的排序方式是数值顺序以及字典顺序。有效的排序算法在一些算法(例如搜索算法与合并算法)中是重要的,如此这些算法才能得到正确解答。排序算法也用在处理文字数据以及产生人类可读的输出结果。

接下来,我会说明一些算法。所有算法皆由C#代码实现,大部分的算法思想都可以在维基百科上找到。 所呈现的算法有:

  • 双向冒泡排序
  • 冒泡排序
  • 桶排序
  • 梳排序
  • 循环排序
  • 地精排序
  • 堆排序
  • 插入排序
  • 归并排序
  • 奇偶排序
  • 鸽笼排序
  • 快速排序
  • 使用冒泡的快排
  • 选择排序
  • 希尔排序







private void DrawSamples()  {      g.Clear(Color.White);        for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)      {          int x = (int)(((double)pnlSamples.Width / array.Count) * i);            Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black);          g.DrawLine(pen, new Point(x, pnlSamples.Height),             new Point(x, (int)(pnlSamples.Height - (int)array[i])));      }  }


public void Randomize(IList list)  {      for (int i = list.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)      {          int swapIndex = rng.Next(i + 1);          if (swapIndex != i)          {              object tmp = list[swapIndex];              list[swapIndex] = list[i];              list[i] = tmp;          }      }  }


private void SavePicture()  {      ImageCodecInfo myImageCodecInfo = this.getEncoderInfo("image/gif");       EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(        System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Compression, (long)EncoderValue.CompressionLZW);      EncoderParameter qualityParam =         new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, 0L);      EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);        EncoderParameters encoderParams = new EncoderParameters(2);      encoderParams.Param[0] = qualityParam;      encoderParams.Param[1] = myEncoderParameter;        string destPath =         System.IO.Path.Combine(txtOutputFolder.Text, imgCount + ".gif");      bmpsave.Save(destPath, myImageCodecInfo, encoderParams);      imgCount++;  }






  1. 比较相邻的元素。如果第一个比第二个大,就交换他们两个。
  2. 对每一对相邻元素作同样的工作,从开始第一对到结尾的最后一对。这步做完后,最后的元素会是最大的数。
  3. 针对所有的元素重复以上的步骤,除了最后一个。
  4. 持续每次对越来越少的元素重复上面的步骤,直到没有任何一对数字需要比较。



public IList BubbleSort(IList arrayToSort)  {      int n = arrayToSort.Count - 1;      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)      {          for (int j = n; j > i; j--)          {              if (((IComparable)arrayToSort[j - 1]).CompareTo(arrayToSort[j]) > 0)              {                  object temp = arrayToSort[j - 1];                  arrayToSort[j - 1] = arrayToSort[j];                  arrayToSort[j] = temp;                  RedrawItem(j);                  RedrawItem(j - 1);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();              }          }      }      return arrayToSort;  }
Worst case performance: O(n2)
Best case performance: O(n)
Average case performance: O(n2)
Worst case space complexity: O(1) auxiliary




首先从左向右方向为大元素移动方向,从右向左方向为小元素移动方向,然后每个元素都依次执行。在第 i 次移动后,前 i 个元素和后个 i 元素都放到了正确的位置,也不需要在检查一次。每次缩短已排序的那部分列表,都可以减半操作次数。


public IList BiDerectionalBubleSort(IList arrayToSort)   {      int limit = arrayToSort.Count;      int st = -1;      bool swapped = false;      do      {          swapped = false;          st++;          limit--;            for (int j = st; j < limit; j++)          {              if (((IComparable)arrayToSort[j]).CompareTo(arrayToSort[j + 1]) > 0)              {                  object temp = arrayToSort[j];                  arrayToSort[j] = arrayToSort[j + 1];                  arrayToSort[j + 1] = temp;                  swapped = true;                  RedrawItem(j);                  RedrawItem(j + 1);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if(chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();                }          }          for (int j = limit - 1; j >= st; j--)          {              if (((IComparable)arrayToSort[j]).CompareTo(arrayToSort[j + 1]) > 0)              {                  object temp = arrayToSort[j];                  arrayToSort[j] = arrayToSort[j + 1];                  arrayToSort[j + 1] = temp;                  swapped = true;                  RedrawItem(j);                  RedrawItem(j + 1);                    pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();                }          }        } while (st < limit && swapped);        return arrayToSort;  }
Worst case performance: O(n2)
Best case performance: O(n)
Average case performance: O(n2)
Worst case space complexity: O(1) auxiliary


桶排序,或称为箱排序,是一种把数列划分成若干个桶的排序算法。在每个桶内各自排序,或者使用不同的排序算法,或通过递归方式继续使用桶排序算法。这是一个分布排序,是最能体现出数字意义的一种基数排序。桶排序是鸽巢排序的一种归纳结果。当要被排序的数组内的数值是均匀分配的时候,桶排序使用线性时间(Θ(n))。但桶排序并不是 比较排序,他不受到 O(n log n) 下限的影响。


  1. 设置一个定量的数组当作空桶子。
  2. 寻访串行,并且把项目一个一个放到对应的桶子去。
  3. 对每个不是空的桶子进行排序。
  4. 从不是空的桶子里把项目再放回原来的串行中。
public IList BucketSort(IList arrayToSort)  {      if (arrayToSort == null || arrayToSort.Count == 0) return arrayToSort;        object max = arrayToSort[0];      object min = arrayToSort[0];        for (int i = 0; i  0)          {              max = arrayToSort[i];          }            if (((IComparable)arrayToSort[i]).CompareTo(min) < 0)          {              min = arrayToSort[i];          }      }      ArrayList[] holder = new ArrayList[(int)max - (int)min + 1];        for (int i = 0; i < holder.Length; i++)      {          holder[i] = new ArrayList();      }        for (int i = 0; i < arrayToSort.Count; i++)      {          holder[(int)arrayToSort[i] - (int)min].Add(arrayToSort[i]);      }        int k = 0;        for (int i = 0; i  0)          {              for (int j = 0; j < holder[i].Count; j++)              {                  arrayToSort[k] = holder[i][j];                  RedrawItem(k);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();                  k++;              }          }      }        return arrayToSort;  }
Worst case performance: O(n2.k)
Best case performance: -
Average case performance: O(n.k)
Worst case space complexity: O(n.k)



梳排序是一个相对简单的排序算法,最初它由Wlodzimierz Dobosiewicz于1980年设计出来。后来由斯蒂芬和理查德重新发现和推广。他们的文章在1991年4月发表在字节杂志上。梳排序改善了冒泡排序和类似快速排序的竞争算法。其要旨在于消除乌龟,亦即在阵列尾部的小数值,这些数值是造成冒泡排序缓慢的主因。相对地,兔子,亦即在阵列前端的大数值,不影响冒泡排序的效能。



public IList CombSort(IList arrayToSort)  {      int gap = arrayToSort.Count;      int swaps = 0;        do      {          gap = (int)(gap / 1.247330950103979);          if (gap  0)              {                  object temp = arrayToSort[i];                  arrayToSort[i] = arrayToSort[i + gap];                  arrayToSort[i + gap] = temp;                  RedrawItem(i);                  RedrawItem(i + gap);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();                  swaps = 1;              }              i++;          } while (!(i + gap >= arrayToSort.Count));        } while (!(gap == 1 && swaps == 0));        return arrayToSort;  }
Worst case performance: -
Best case performance: -
Average case performance: -
Worst case space complexity: O(1)



Cycle sort is an in-place, unstable sorting algorithm, a comparison sort that is theoretically optimal in terms of the total number of writes to the original array, unlike any other in-place sorting algorithm. It is based on the idea that the permutation to be sorted can be factored into cycles, which can individually be rotated to give a sorted result.

Unlike nearly every other sort, items are never written elsewhere in the array simply to push them out of the way of the action. Each value is either written zero times, if it’s already in its correct position, or written one time to its correct position. This matches the minimal number of overwrites required for a completed in-place sort.



public IList CycleSort(IList arrayToSort)  {      int writes = 0;      for (int cycleStart = 0; cycleStart < arrayToSort.Count; cycleStart++)      {          object item = arrayToSort[cycleStart];          int pos = cycleStart;            do          {              int to = 0;              for (int i = 0; i < arrayToSort.Count; i++)              {                  if (i != cycleStart && ((IComparable)arrayToSort[i]).CompareTo(item) < 0)                  {                      to++;                  }              }              if (pos != to)              {                  while (pos != to && ((IComparable)item).CompareTo(arrayToSort[to]) == 0)                  {                      to++;                  }                    object temp = arrayToSort[to];                  arrayToSort[to] = item;                  RedrawItem(to);                  item = temp;                  RedrawItem(cycleStart);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();                  writes++;                  pos = to;              }          } while (cycleStart != pos);      }      return arrayToSort;  }
Worst case performance: O(n2)
Best case performance: -
Average case performance: O(n2)
Worst case space complexity: O(1)



地精排序(gnome sorting,大部分地方翻成“侏儒排序”,“地精排序”明明更好听呀,本文就这么用了。)最初由哈米德在2000年的时候提出,当时称为傻瓜排序,之后被迪克说明并且命名为“地精排序”。除了某个元素是经过一系列的互换(类似冒泡排序)才到了它的正确位置之外,它和插入排序挺相似。


The algorithm always finds the first place where two adjacent elements are in the wrong order, and swaps them. It takes advantage of the fact that performing a swap can introduce a new out-of-order adjacent pair only right before or after the two swapped elements. It does not assume that elements forward of the current position are sorted, so it only needs to check the position directly before the swapped elements.

地精算法总是发现第一个 【两个相邻元素存在错误的顺序】,然后把他们交换。原理是,交换一对乱序元素后,会产生一对新的无序相邻元素,而这两个元素要么交换前有序,要么交换后有序。它不认为元素当前的位置是有序的,所以它只需要在交换元素前直接检查位置。

public IList GnomeSort(IList arrayToSort)  {      int pos = 1;      while (pos = 0)          {              pos++;          }          else          {              object temp = arrayToSort[pos];              arrayToSort[pos] = arrayToSort[pos - 1];              RedrawItem(pos);                arrayToSort[pos - 1] = temp;              RedrawItem(pos - 1);              RefreshPanel(pnlSamples);              if (savePicture)                  SavePicture();              if (pos > 1)              {                  pos--;              }          }      }      return arrayToSort;  }
Worst case performance: O(n2)
Best case performance: -
Average case performance: -
Worst case space complexity: O(1)






public IList HeapSort(IList list)  {      for (int i = (list.Count - 1) / 2; i >= 0; i--)          Adjust(list, i, list.Count - 1);        for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 1; i--)      {          object Temp = list[0];          list[0] = list[i];          list[i] = Temp;          RedrawItem(0);          RedrawItem(i);          pnlSamples.Refresh();          if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)              SavePicture();          Adjust(list, 0, i - 1);        }        return list;  }    public void Adjust(IList list, int i, int m)  {      object Temp = list[i];      int j = i * 2 + 1;      while (j <= m)      {          if (j < m)              if (((IComparable)list[j]).CompareTo(list[j + 1]) < 0)                  j = j + 1;            if (((IComparable)Temp).CompareTo(list[j]) < 0)          {              list[i] = list[j];              RedrawItem(i);              pnlSamples.Refresh();              if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                  SavePicture();              i = j;              j = 2 * i + 1;          }          else          {              j = m + 1;          }      }      list[i] = Temp;      RedrawItem(i);      pnlSamples.Refresh();      if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)          SavePicture();  }
Worst case performance: O(n log n)
Best case performance: O(n log n)
Average case performance: O(n log n)
Worst case space complexity: O(1)





  1. 从第一个元素开始,该元素可以认为已经被排序
  2. 取出下一个元素,在已经排序的元素序列中从后向前扫描
  3. 如果该元素(已排序)大于新元素,将该元素移到下一位置
  4. 重复步骤3,直到找到已排序的元素小于或者等于新元素的位置
  5. 将新元素插入到该位置后
  6. 重复步骤2~5
public IList InsertionSort(IList arrayToSort)  {      for (int i = 1; i < arrayToSort.Count; i++)      {          object val = arrayToSort[i];          int j = i - 1;          bool done = false;          do          {              if (((IComparable)arrayToSort[j]).CompareTo(val) > 0)              {                  arrayToSort[j + 1] = arrayToSort[j];                  RedrawItem(j + 1);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();                  j--;                  if (j < 0)                  {                      done = true;                  }              }              else              {                  done = true;              }            } while (!done);          arrayToSort[j + 1] = val;            RedrawItem(j + 1);          pnlSamples.Refresh();          if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)              SavePicture();      }      return arrayToSort;  }
Worst case performance: O(n2)
Best case performance: O(n)
Average case performance: O(n2)
Worst case space complexity: O(1)




  • 如果列表的长度是0或1,那么它已经有序。否则:
  • 未排序的部分平均划分为两个子序列。
  • 每个子序列,递归使用归并排序。
  • 合并两个子列表,使之整体有序。


  • 一个小列表排序的花费少于大列表。
  • 把两个有序表合并,要比直接排列一个无序表花费更少的步骤。例如,您只需要遍历每个有序列表一次即可(见下面的合并功能)。


  1. 申请空间,使其大小为两个已经排序序列之和,该空间用来存放合并后的序列
  2. 设定两个指针,最初位置分别为两个已经排序序列的起始位置
  3. 比较两个指针所指向的元素,选择相对小的元素放入到合并空间,并移动指针到下一位置
  4. 重复步骤3直到某一指针到达序列尾
  5. 将另一序列剩下的所有元素直接复制到合并序列尾
public IList MergeSort(IList a, int low, int height)  {      int l = low;      int h = height;        if (l >= h)      {          return a;      }        int mid = (l + h) / 2;        MergeSort(a, l, mid);      MergeSort(a, mid + 1, h);        int end_lo = mid;      int start_hi = mid + 1;      while ((l <= end_lo) && (start_hi <= h))      {          if (((IComparable)a[l]).CompareTo(a[start_hi]) < 0)          {              l++;          }          else          {              object temp = a[start_hi];              for (int k = start_hi - 1; k >= l; k--)              {                  a[k + 1] = a[k];                  RedrawItem(k + 1);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();              }              a[l] = temp;              RedrawItem(l);              pnlSamples.Refresh();              if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                  SavePicture();              l++;              end_lo++;              start_hi++;          }      }      return a;  }
Worst case performance: O(n log n)
Best case performance: O(n log n)
Average case performance: O(n log n)
Worst case space complexity:



Odd-even sort is a relatively simple sorting algorithm. It is a comparison sort based on bubble sort with which it shares many characteristics. It functions by comparing all (odd, even)-indexed pairs of adjacent elements in the list and, if a pair is in the wrong order (the first is larger than the second) the elements are switched. The next step repeats this for (even, odd)-indexed pairs (of adjacent elements). Then it alternates between (odd, even) and (even, odd) steps until the list is sorted. It can be thought of as using parallel processors, each using bubble sort but starting at different points in the list (all odd indices for the first step). This sorting algorithm is only marginally more difficult than bubble sort to implement.


public IList OddEvenSort(IList arrayToSort)  {      bool sorted = false;      while (!sorted)      {          sorted = true;          for (var i = 1; i < arrayToSort.Count - 1; i += 2)          {              if (((IComparable)arrayToSort[i]).CompareTo(arrayToSort[i + 1]) > 0)              {                  object temp = arrayToSort[i];                  arrayToSort[i] = arrayToSort[i + 1];                  RedrawItem(i);                  arrayToSort[i + 1] = temp;                  RedrawItem(i+1);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();                  sorted = false;              }          }            for (var i = 0; i < arrayToSort.Count - 1; i += 2)          {              if (((IComparable)arrayToSort[i]).CompareTo(arrayToSort[i + 1]) > 0)              {                  object temp = arrayToSort[i];                  arrayToSort[i] = arrayToSort[i + 1];                  arrayToSort[i + 1] = temp;                  RedrawItem(i);                  RedrawItem(i+1);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();                  sorted = false;              }          }      }      return arrayToSort;  }


鸽巢排序,也被称为 count sort (不要和 counting sort 搞混了),当数组元素的元素数量(n)和可能的键值数(key value,N)大约相同时,这种排序算法实用。它的时间复杂度为O(n+N)。



  • Given an array of values to be sorted, set up an auxiliary array of initially empty “pigeonholes”, one pigeonhole for each key through the range of the original array. 假设有个一个待排序的数组,给它建立了一个空的辅助数组(称为“鸽巢”)。把原始数组中的每个值作为一个key(“格子”)。
  • Going over the original array, put each value into the pigeonhole corresponding to its key, such that each pigeonhole eventually contains a list of all values with that key. 遍历原始数组,根据每个值放入辅助数组对应的“格子”
  • Iterate over the pigeonhole array in order, and put elements from non-empty pigeonholes back into the original array. 顺序遍历“鸽巢”数组(辅助数组),把非空鸽巢中的元素放回原始数组。
public IList PigeonHoleSort(IList list)  {      object min = list[0], max = list[0];      foreach (object x in list)      {          if (((IComparable)min).CompareTo(x) > 0)          {              min = x;          }          if (((IComparable)max).CompareTo(x) < 0)          {              max = x;          }          Thread.Sleep(speed);      }        int size = (int)max - (int)min + 1;        int[] holes = new int[size];        foreach (int x in list)          holes[x - (int)min]++;        int i = 0;      for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)          while (holes[count]-- > 0)          {                list[i] = count + (int)min;              RedrawItem(i);              i++;              RefreshPanel(pnlSamples);              Thread.Sleep(speed);          }      return list;  }
Worst case performance: O(n+2k)
Best case performance: -
Average case performance: O(n+2k)
Worst case space complexity: O(2k)




  • 从列表中,选择一个元素,称为基准(pivot)。
  • 重新排序列表,把所有数值小于枢轴的元素排到基准之前,所有数值大于基准的排基准之后(相等的值可以有较多的选择)。在这个分区退出之后,该基准就处于数列的中间位置。这个称为分区(partition)操作。
  • 分别递归排序较大元素的子列表和较小的元素的子列表。


public IList QuickSort(IList a, int left, int right)  {      int i = left;      int j = right;      double pivotValue = ((left + right) / 2);      int x = (int)a[int.Parse(pivotValue.ToString())];        while (i <= j)      {          while (((IComparable)a[i]).CompareTo(x) < 0)          {              i++;          }          while (((IComparable)x).CompareTo(a[j]) < 0)          {              j--;          }          if (i <= j)          {              object temp = a[i];              a[i] = a[j];              RedrawItem(i);              i++;              a[j] = temp;              RedrawItem(j);              j--;              pnlSamples.Refresh();              if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                  SavePicture();          }      }      if (left < j)      {          QuickSort(a, left, j);      }      if (i < right)      {          QuickSort(a, i, right);      }      return a;  }
Worst case performance: O(n2)
Best case performance: O(n log n)
Average case performance: O(n log n)
Worst case space complexity: O(log n)



public IList BubbleSort(IList arrayToSort, int left, int right)  {      for (int i = left; i < right; i++)      {          for (int j = right; j > i; j--)          {              if (((IComparable)arrayToSort[j - 1]).CompareTo(arrayToSort[j]) > 0)              {                  object temp = arrayToSort[j - 1];                  arrayToSort[j - 1] = arrayToSort[j];                  RedrawItem(j-1);                  arrayToSort[j] = temp;                  RedrawItem(j);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();              }          }      }        return arrayToSort;  }    public IList QuickSortWithBubbleSort(IList a, int left, int right)  {      int i = left;      int j = right;        if (right - left <= 6)      {          BubbleSort(a, left, right);          return a;      }        double pivotValue = ((left + right) / 2);      int x = (int)a[int.Parse(pivotValue.ToString())];        a[(left + right) / 2] = a[right];      a[right] = x;      RedrawItem(right);      pnlSamples.Refresh();      if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)          SavePicture();        while (i <= j)      {          while (((IComparable)a[i]).CompareTo(x) < 0)          {              i++;          }          while (((IComparable)x).CompareTo(a[j]) < 0)          {              j--;          }            if (i <= j)          {              object temp = a[i];              a[i++] = a[j];              RedrawItem(i - 1);              a[j--] = temp;              RedrawItem(j + 1);              pnlSamples.Refresh();              if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                  SavePicture();          }      }      if (left < j)      {          QuickSortWithBubbleSort(a, left, j);      }      if (i < right)      {          QuickSortWithBubbleSort(a, i, right);      }        return a;  }





  • 找到列表中的最小值,
  • 把它和第一个位置的元素交换,
  • 列表其余部分重复上面的步骤(从第二个位置开始,且每次加1).


public IList SelectionSort(IList arrayToSort)  {      int min;      for (int i = 0; i < arrayToSort.Count; i++)      {          min = i;          for (int j = i + 1; j < arrayToSort.Count; j++)          {              if (((IComparable)arrayToSort[j]).CompareTo(arrayToSort[min]) < 0)              {                  min = j;              }          }          object temp = arrayToSort[i];          arrayToSort[i] = arrayToSort[min];          arrayToSort[min] = temp;            RedrawItem(i);          RedrawItem(min);          pnlSamples.Refresh();          if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)              SavePicture();          }        return arrayToSort;  }
Worst case performance: O(n2)
Best case performance: O(n2)
Average case performance: O(n2)
Worst case space complexity: O(1)





一个更好理解的希尔排序实现:将数组列在一个表中并对列排序(用插入排序)。重复这过程,不过每次用更长的列来进行。最后整个表就只有一列了。将数组转换至表是为了更好地理解这算法,算法本身仅仅对原数组进行排序(通过增加索引的步长,例如是用i += step_size而不是i++)。

例如,假设有这样一组数[ 13 14 94 33 82 25 59 94 65 23 45 27 73 25 39 10 ],如果我们以步长为5开始进行排序,我们可以通过将这列表放在有5列的表中来更好地描述算法,这样他们就应该看起来是这样:

13 14 94 33 82  25 59 94 65 23  45 27 73 25 39  10


10 14 73 25 23  13 27 94 33 39  25 59 94 65 82  45

将上述四行数字,依序接在一起时我们得到:[ 10 14 73 25 23 13 27 94 33 39 25 59 94 65 82 45 ].这时10已经移至正确位置了,然后再以3为步长进行排序:

10 14 73  25 23 13  27 94 33  39 25 59  94 65 82  45


10 14 13  25 23 33  27 25 59  39 65 73  45 94 82  94


public IList ShellSort(IList arrayToSort)  {      int i, j, increment;      object temp;        increment = arrayToSort.Count / 2;        while (increment > 0)      {          for (i = 0; i < arrayToSort.Count; i++)          {              j = i;              temp = arrayToSort[i];              while ((j >= increment) &&                     (((IComparable)arrayToSort[j - increment]).CompareTo(temp) > 0))              {                  arrayToSort[j] = arrayToSort[j - increment];                  RedrawItem(j);                  pnlSamples.Refresh();                  if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                      SavePicture();                  j = j - increment;              }              arrayToSort[j] = temp;              RedrawItem(j);              pnlSamples.Refresh();              if (chkCreateAnimation.Checked)                  SavePicture();          }          if (increment == 2)              increment = 1;          else              increment = increment * 5 / 11;      }        return arrayToSort;  }
Worst case performance: -
Best case performance: n
Average case performance: O(n log2 n)
Worst case space complexity: O(1)


原文链接: Kanasz Robert   翻译: 伯乐在线 - smilesisi
译文链接: http://blog.jobbole.com/72850/