
  ros教程 文档

ROS教程目录 非初学者:如果你已经有足够的熟悉ROS 富尔特或更早的版本,只希望探索新的构建系统引入常规和使用水电和以后,叫柳絮,你可以通过更深入这里柳絮教程。然而,去在所有基本初学者级别仍建议教程为所有用户获得接触到新的功能。

nhtang111 2016-05-25   2633   0

Robot Framework 开源项目

Robot Framework是一个通用关键字驱动自动化测试框架用于验收测试和验收测试驱动的开发(ATDD)。它拥有一个易于使用表格式的语法来创建测试用例并且它的测试能力可以通过测试库进行扩展(测试库

码头工人 2019-01-17   1024   0

  ros中rx和tx的关系 文档

1. WAN卡LAN卡TERMINAL 电脑ROS中Rx(Receive)和Tx(Transport)之间的区别ReceiveDownloadUploadTransportTransportTERMINAL

ME999 2016-06-23   1011   0

机器人操作系统:ROS 经验

ROS (Robot Operating System, 机器人操作系统) 提供一系列程序库和工具以帮助软件开发者创建机器人应用软件。它提供了硬件抽象、设备驱动、库函数、可视化、消息传递和软件包管理等

jopen 2014-09-08   25131   0

  Robot Framework 内置库 文档

BuiltIn 版本:2.6.3 范围:global 命名参数:支持 介绍 BuiltIn是Robot Framework标准库,提供了常用关键字。它自动导入,从而始终可用。 提供的关键字有用于验证的(e

79523822 2014-04-12   750   0

  Robot Framework+ Selenium 研讨会 文档

LibraryMySeleniumWrapperRobot FrameworkJunit/TestNG 4. 4Robot Framework概要介绍 5. 5RF测试框架的职责定义一种统一的方式来书写和组织测试用例(测试步骤,测试数据与期待返回值);

79523822 2014-04-12   3656   0
测试工具   方案   报告   Java   Go  

开源机器人操作系统---ROS 资讯

机器人操作系统项目 ROS 的开发者之一,ROS 是自由软件项目,遵循 BSD 许可证。像所有的 OS 一样,ROS 实现了硬件抽象,底层设备控制,进程间的消息传递机制,包管理等通用模块,ROS 也为开发者提供了工具和库来

jopen 2012-01-31   14346   0

  3、ros文件系统介绍(catkin) 文档

ROS文件系统介绍(catkin) Description: 本教程介绍ROS文件系统概念,包括命令行工具roscd、rosls和rospack的使用。 Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

nhtang111 2016-05-25   2139   0

Elements of Programming 文档

编程的本质。Elements of Programming provides a different understanding of programming than is presented elsewhere. Its major premise is that practical programming, like other areas of science and engineering, must be based on a solid mathematical foundation. The book shows that algorithms implemented in a real programming language, such as C++, can operate in the most general mathematical setting. For example, the fast exponentiation algorithm is defined to work with any associative operation. Using abstract algorithms leads to efficient, reliable, secure, and economical software.

venuswu 2013-06-13   2563   0

Twisted Network Programming Essentials - Event-driven Network Programming with Python 文档

Twisted Network Programming Essentials from O'Reilly is a task-oriented look at this new open source, Python-based technology. The book begins with recommendations for various plug-ins and add-ons to enhance the basic package as installed. It then details Twisted's collection simple network protocols, and helper utilities. The book also includes projects that let you try out the Twisted framework for yourself. For example, you'll find examples of using Twisted to build web services applications using the REST architecture, using XML-RPC, and using SOAP.

fde8 2014-12-30   2576   0

Elements of Programming(编程的本质) 文档

Elements of Programming(编程的本质)

infinityu 2013-05-23   578   0

GNU/Linux Application Programming 文档

Using a holistic approach to teaching developers the ins-and-outs of GNU/Linux programming using APIs, tools, communication, and scripting, this book introduces programmers to the environment from the lowest layers to the user layers.

xmanxihua 2013-05-27   507   0

The C programming Language(英文) 文档

C is a general-purpose programming language. It has been closely associated with the UNIX operating system where it was developed, since both the system and most of the programs that run on it are written in C. The language, however, is not tied to any one operating system or machine; and although it has been called a ``system programming language'' because it is useful for writing compilers and operating systems, it has been used equally well to write major programs in many different domains. <br> Many of the important ideas of C stem from the language BCPL, developed by Martin Richards. The influence of BCPL on C proceeded indirectly through the language B, which was written by Ken Thompson in 1970 for the first UNIX system on the DEC PDP-7.

johnnych 2014-12-19   457   0

SQL Database Programming with Java 文档

Java is a modern, object-oriented language based on C++. For the moment, C++ remains the more popular language, but Java is rapidly gaining ground. Someday soon, you may hear C++ described as the "middle-aged and overweight father" of Java. Already, experienced Java programmers are earning higher wages than experienced C++ programmers (though how a programmer can be "experienced" in using a language that has been publicly available for barely two years is not at all clear).

why311 2014-10-20   342   0
Java开发   Java   SQL  

RP(Reactive Programming)入门 经验

在互联网上有着一大堆糟糕的解释与定义。维基百科一如既往的空泛与理论化。Stackoverflow的权威答案明显不适合初学者。Reactive Manifesto看起来是你展示给你公司的项目经理或者老板们看的东西。微软的Rx terminology "Rx = Observables + LINQ + Schedulers" 过于重量级且微软味十足,只会让大部分人困惑。

jopen 2014-10-26   25483   0

指路Reactive Programming 经验

com/2016/03/02/introduction-to-reactive-programming/ 我在工作中采用Reactive Programming(RP)已经有一年了,对于这个“新鲜”的辞藻或许有一些人还

oblicalow 2016-03-02   15194   0

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner 文档

With this text, you will acquire the skills that you need for more practical Python programming applications, and learn how these skills can be put to use in real-world scenarios.

fp34 2014-12-31   2407   0

Qore Programming Language 资讯

Qore 是一种支持线程和嵌入式逻辑的脚本语言。专为企业应用界面开发提供一种基于脚本的灵活方式,也可以作为一种实用的通用语言。

jopen 2012-11-10   8819   0

  Programming computer vision applications 文档

Programming computer vision applications:   A step-by-step guide to the use of the Intel OpenCV library

asdfghj 2013-05-15   1982   0

MySQL Stored Procedure Programming 文档

MySQL 存储过程编程

ws_fyy 2012-09-13   3531   0
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