22个扁平化的Web设计范例和灵感思路 资讯

Lorenzo Verzini Flat Web Design This design idea grabs the attention of visiting customers with its

jopen 2013-06-27   26327   0

10+个免费开源和实用的JavaScript游戏引擎 资讯

The Render Engine assists in generating your game idea by providing the foundation as well as tools in

jopen 2014-03-18   20014   0

JVM语言Xtend优缺点速览 资讯

编写的一样快,但可读性更强”。 但是,Xtend 现在还很不完善,其中一个最大的缺点是不支持 IntelliJ IDEA。还有一个问题是,构建 APK 时需要额外的编译步骤,这使得一个 Android 应用程序需要大约

jopen 2014-08-19   8580   0

2014年10个最好的免费响应式HTML5/CSS3框架 资讯

elastic grid, while some code inspiration (and the idea for subcolumns) are taken from 960.gs.

jopen 2014-08-27   16909   0
HTML5   CSS3  

2014年20个实用的CSS3悬停效果教程 资讯

pseudo-elements, CSS transforms and transitions. The idea is based on Edenspiekermann’s Open Type project

jopen 2014-07-30   8559   0

[1月9日至1月15日]这周16个最新的免费jQuery插件 资讯

using jQuery. 15. jQuery Curved Cut Aa layout idea with a curved cut header image. 16. jQuery Custom

jopen 2015-01-19   7944   0

为Web开发人员准备的 8 个 Python 框架 资讯

flexibility to developers. The framework is based on an idea to combine some of the best feature offered by numerous

jopen 2015-03-25   13355   0

Manjaro Linux 0.9.0 Pre 1 发布 资讯

jointly on a brand new, Qt5 based installer. The idea was born to create Calamares . By June the coding

jopen 2015-01-18   7785   0

学习AngularJS的8本免费电子书籍 资讯

solutions and in-depth discussion to help you grasp the idea of Angular quickly. Learn the basics on using controllers

jopen 2015-07-07   17526   0

Cargo 开源项目

并Java EE模块。Ant Tasks和Maven2/Maven3使用插件。Intellij IDEA和Netbeans使用插件。 Container Java API(version) Ant tasks(version)

码头工人 2019-01-17   513   0

专为开发人员准备15个免费iPone/ iPad应用程序 博客

system. Domain Scout Find domain names for your new idea right from your iPhone. WhatTheFont Identify the

ajax 2012-01-12   2202   0

10个轻量级、小型的CSS框架CSS框架 资讯

of CSS and has its main focus on typography. The idea behind this project is to provide a solid, yet minimal

ajax 2011-08-07   25047   0

10个热门的Web移动应用程序开发相关工具 资讯

presents the same in a visual pattern, to give an idea about the trend, usage, and the behavior of the

jopen 2013-09-16   9539   0

20个新鲜的响应式CSS开发框架 资讯

elastic grid, while some code inspiration (and the idea for subcolumns) are taken from 960.gs

jopen 2013-10-15   7204   0

10个响应式的jQuery导航菜单资源 资讯

1. Responsive Multi-Level Menu The main idea is to save space for menus that have a lot of content

jopen 2013-05-19   30980   0

创建时尚菜单的jQuery手风琴插件 资讯

viewport and reveal the content by fading it in. The idea is to avoid that the user has to scroll the content

jopen 2014-08-20   10660   0

Simplicity Linux 15.1 Beta 发布,Puppy Linux的衍生物 资讯

cut back on the local applications included.  The idea is that Netbook is designed to be minimalistic and

jopen 2015-01-03   7392   0

18 个最好的Web设计和开发资源周报#22 资讯

Structure is a modern geometric Typeface. The idea was to create a thin and high font, that is suitable

efbb 2015-05-06   7512   0

13本最好的免费游戏编程电子书籍 资讯

game programming but came up with a killer game idea. Have any free ebook that you believe can increase

jopen 2015-10-21   10536   0

Xcode 插件集合 经验

project so there is not too much in there, but a good idea. 更多更新: http://maniacdev.com/xcode-plugins

jopen 2014-02-19   28682   0
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