Go开源框架,类库和软件集合 经验

OpenGL ORM Package Management Science and Data Analysis Serialization Template Engines Testing Text Processing

jopen 2014-10-10   119902   0

Go语言(golang)开源项目大全 经验

with XML sitemaps. riako - High level utility methods for interacting with Riak databases Weed File System

jopen 2014-03-29   627514   0

计算机会议最佳论文整理 经验

Incomplete Is Your Semantic Web Reasoner? Systematic Analysis of the Completeness of Query Ans... A Novel Transition

jopen 2015-01-08   54421   0

【基础】常用的机器学习&数据挖掘知识点 经验

均方误差),LMS(LeastMean Square 最小均方),LSM(Least Square Methods 最小二乘法),MLE(MaximumLikelihood Estimation最大似然估计),QP(Quadratic

jopen 2015-01-08   29762   0

Python开源框架、类库、软件集合 经验

Logging Testing Code Analysis and Linter Debugging Tools Science and Data Analysis Data Visualization Computer

jopen 2014-10-10   164434   0

免费开源的代码搜索引擎 资讯

Ohloh Code , the world?s largest, most comprehensive free code search engine. Koders has now merged

jopen 2013-06-11   18073   0

10本关于机器学习的最好免费电子书 资讯

including, probabilistic modeling, large margin methods, unsupervised or supervised learning etc. The prime

jopen 2014-12-07   29993   0

免费数值开发库,数学库,统计信息库 经验

statistics, Monte Carlo integration, N-Tubes, differential equations, simulated annealing, numerical differentiation

jopen 2014-07-03   13858   0

Java开源框架、类库和软件集合:Awesome Java 经验

Awesome Java Build Tool Bytecode Manipulation Code Analysis Compiler-compiler Continuous Integration Database

jopen 2014-10-12   70029   0

大量人工智能学习资源 经验

for Robotics - This class will teach you basic methods in Artificial Intelligence, including: probabilistic

jopen 2015-01-30   36305   0

12个强大的Web Service测试工具 资讯

Plugins. Records, monitors, and displays all the data. Supports WS-Security and SSL decryption. Link

码头工人 2016-02-27   31497   0

  Hadoop性能测试报表 文档

false Map/Reduce onebox I have done some primary analysis on Map/Reduce,We random generated 128M Integer

willfly 2011-08-28   4888   0

50多个人脸检测/识别的API,库和软件列表 经验

(Detection, Recognition and Analysis). Our API provides the detection and analysis of Landmark (23points)

jopen 2014-11-10   47503   0

10个令人惊叹的库用于开发基于Web的JavaScript应用程序 资讯

admit that you’ve found HTML5 a little less comprehensive than you wanted it to be. AngularJS is here

jopen 2015-01-07   5796   0

Python的网页爬虫&文本处理&科学计&机器学习&数据挖掘工具集 经验

building Python programs to work with human language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora

jopen 2014-07-29   192610   0

  Selenium Remote Control Information and Installation Procedure 文档

tools that require no operator input, analysis, or evaluation. Benefits: Fast Runs tests faster than

daisy1989 2015-05-04   460   0

Python框架、库和软件资源大全 经验

Logging Testing Code Analysis and Linter Debugging Tools Science and Data Analysis Data Visualization Computer

jopen 2015-07-08   62545   0

现代化的JVM语言 Kotli v1.0.2发布 资讯

目前已经有大量的开发人员使用Kotlin开发web服务后端和Android应用。 更新日志 Analysis & diagnostics KT-7437 , KT-7971 , KT-7051 , KT-6125

jopen 2016-05-13   14457   0

20 个简化开发任务的JavaScript工具库 资讯

moves. It has a very easy-to-use API with few methods and events (which is more than enough). Source

jopen 2013-07-03   13661   0

这周最好的jQuery插件集合 资讯

which is simple, clear, easy to use, flexible, comprehensive, has its own tabs, supports sorting and much

jopen 2013-08-03   10185   0
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