Android开源类库和实用资源集合:Awesome Android 经验

processing, I/O, and so forth. Android Scripting - Allows to run scripting languages on Android. Android Priority

jopen 2014-10-12   60690   0

20个HTML5动画工具 资讯

their own HTML5 or Flash® animations easily. 5. Adobe Edge Animate Creating interactive, animated

jopen 2014-03-01   45907   0

面向开发人员的40个JavaScript图表和图形库 资讯

Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas

jopen 2014-03-09   43409   1

Android开发免费类库和工具集合 经验

Engines Box2D Bullet Chipmunk2D JBox2D Platforms Adobe AIR Appcelerator (Titanium Mobile) Corona SDK Ecere

jopen 2014-07-02   106954   0

35个面向开发人员的JavaScript图表和图形库 资讯

Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas

jopen 2014-02-20   29966   0

学习和使用HTML5 Canvas元素的25+相关资源 资讯

Paper.js P a p e r . j s is a vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of canvas. It has powerful

jopen 2014-11-25   33180   0

  JavaScript 引擎技术 文档

[release?]JScript.NET 82006.06Adobe Flex 2.0 Flash Player 9 ActionScript 304Adobe收购 Macromedia11Tamarin (AVM2)1012Atlas

jizhuofeng 2013-03-05   567   0

20 个免费的数据可视化工具 资讯

support many non-interactive uses such as web scripting. It is also used as a plotting engine by third-party

jopen 2014-11-13   22068   0

18个最好的视频编辑软件免费下载(Windows) 资讯

editing power of a general-purpose editor such as Adobe Premiere, but is streamlined for fast linear operations

jopen 2013-08-27   75971   0

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合 资讯

webpage. Different animations are available, even scripting the entire SVG to do whatever you want. 5. Trianglify

jopen 2014-11-13   36639   0

最优秀的JavaScript编辑器集合 资讯

It has syntax highlighters for every popular scripting language and it is usually a perfect fit for a

jopen 2014-11-18   16906   3

7个用于移动应用程序开发的卓越JavaScript框架 资讯

mobile platforms. This framework requires minimal scripting, which is a huge selling point for many developers

jopen 2015-01-07   11471   0

30 个最好的数据可视化工具 资讯

Pie chart based on the Snap SVG framework from Adobe. It focuses on easy integration via HTML markup

jopen 2013-11-18   26355   1

20 个最好的CSS编辑器 资讯

It has syntax highlighters for every popular scripting language and it is usually a perfect fit for a

jopen 2014-02-28   28532   0

  KindEditor富文本编辑器在互联网上的应 文档

CKEditor/FCKEditor用户IBM Lotus Oracle Application Express Adobe ColdFusion Zope Mozilla Developer Network Dedecms

zc4530 2013-01-21   710   0
前端技术   CSS   HTML   Java   Go  

20个你要知道的jQuery插件 博客

Clipboard library. This plugin uses an invisible Adobe Flash movie that is fully compatible with Flash

ajax 2011-04-26   7929   0

前端开发资源大全 经验

Generate beautiful Twitter Bootstrap themes using the Adobe kuler / COLOURlovers color scheme TODC : A Google-styled

jopen 2013-06-22   176596   0

C/C++ 框架,类库,资源集合 经验

Multimedia Networking Physics Scientific Computing Scripting Serialization Video Virtual Machines Web Application

jopen 2014-10-10   174715   0

Android资源库列表 经验

Libraries - 集合,缓存,原语支持,并发库,通用注解,字符串处理,I/O等等. Android Scripting - Android脚本语言支持. Android Priority Job Queue -

jopen 2015-02-10   84324   0

国外程序员推荐的免费编程书籍资源 问答

resources by Agner Fog Bash Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide Lhunath’s Bash Guide C / C++ The new

openkk 2011-11-04   62593   17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10