HTTP Developer's Handbook 文档

The largest group with an unsatisfied demand for a good book on HTTP is the worldwide group of Web developers. A good book on HTTP can help new and old Web developers alike, as a thorough understanding of underlying protocols can remove the dependencies on specific tool sets and help people create and maintain better Web applications as well as adapt to technologies. HTTP has become an essential topic because the Web's importance has created an army of people creatively leveraging the Web for their specific needs. By making standards information more available to the common developer, standards compliance becomes more widespread and common, something that the industry needs. Developers will buy this book because they want to advance their expertise, and because there is very little documentation available. This book will easily become the standard reference for the Internet's most dominant protocol.

qy2664257 2013-04-06   4548   0

HTTP Developer's Handbook 文档

The largest group with an unsatisfied demand for a good book on HTTP is the worldwide group of Web developers. A good book on HTTP can help new and old Web developers alike, as a thorough understanding of underlying protocols can remove the dependencies on specific tool sets and help people create and maintain better Web applications as well as adapt to technologies. HTTP has become an essential topic because the Web's importance has created an army of people creatively leveraging the Web for their specific needs. By making standards information more available to the common developer, standards compliance becomes more widespread and common, something that the industry needs. Developers will buy this book because they want to advance their expertise, and because there is very little documentation available. This book will easily become the standard reference for the Internet's most dominant protocol.

zxsong 2013-08-09   3185   0

The Oracle Hacker's Handbook: Hacking and Defending Oracle 文档

Exploring every technique and tool used by black hat hackers to invade and compromise Oracle, this in-depth guide shows you how to find the weak spots in your databases so you can better defend them.<br> It's terribly important that Oracle get security right, and so far their record has been poor. The Oracle RDBMS has had more critical security vulnerabilities than any other database server product. By critical, I mean those flaws that can be exploited by a remote attacker with no user ID and password and which gives them full control over the database server. To put these critical security vulnerabilities in context, IBM's DB2 has had 1; Informix has had 2; and Microsoft's SQL Server has had 2. Oracle has had 9. That's more than the other database servers put together. In terms of flaws that require a user ID and password but yield full control when exploited, again Oracle outstrips the rest by far.

ThinkJ 2015-04-08   3158   0

Create A Slider From A Select Box 开源项目

这是一个漂亮的jQuery插件能够自动将select boxes转换成一个sliders控件。

码头工人 2019-02-23   498   0
jQuery   Slider  

A*(A星)算法Go lang实现 代码段

package main import ( "container/heap" "fmt" "math" "strings" ) import "strconv" type OpenList []*_AstarPoint func (self OpenList) Len() int { return len(self) } func (self OpenList) Less(i, j int) bo

gww3 2015-05-13   1099   0

A*(A星)算法python实现 代码段

/usr/bin/python # vim:set fileencoding=utf-8 # 在春节放假前两天我偶然看到了A*算法,感觉挺有意思。正好放假前 # 也没有什么事情,就花了一个下午写出算法的骨架,节后又花了半天 #

gww3 2015-05-13   1891   0

  j​a​v​a​中​f​i​n​a​l​、​f​i​n​a​l​l​y​、​f​i​n​a​l​i​z​e​的​区别 文档

FinalTest {      // 在定义时初始化      public final int A = 10;     // 在初始化块中初始化      public final int B;      {

千里马 2014-08-10   4378   0

Yarn – A small embeddable VM with a custom instruction set 经验

https://github.com/WetDesertRock/Yarn Yarn A small embeddable VM with a custom instruction set and statically

ugsn5183 2016-02-27   9473   0

  A星算法 文档

 会者不难,A*(念作A星)算法对初学者来说的确有些难度。 这篇文章并不试图对这个话题作权威的陈述。取而代之的是,它只是描述算法的原理,使你可以在进一步的阅读中理解其他相关的资料。 最后,这篇文章没

shaobo8910 2012-03-06   3643   0

Python in a nutshell 文档

这本书是面向已经对PYTHON有所了解的读者的,里面对PYTHON本身的介绍并不是非常的仔细,对于第一次学习PYTHON的读者可能会比较难懂。 另一方面,这本书是一本非常出色的参考书,里面覆盖了大部分PYTHON编程中会用到的技巧和知识。如果是经常使用PYTHON的话,买一本放在手边是非常值得的。 可是值得一提的是其实书中大部分的内容在PYTHON的网站上都找的到,再加上那个著名的在线的PYTHON QUICK REFERENCE,这本书的价值就没那么高了。

kome2000 2012-03-14   264   0

  A SharePoint Developer Introduction 文档

 A SharePoint Developer Introduction Hands-On Lab Lab Manual SPCHOL200 – Building Visual Web Parts –

torney 2015-07-28   1415   0

XAML in a Nutshell 文档

When Microsoft releases Windows Vista, the new operating system will support applications that employ graphics now used by computer games-clear, stunning and active. The cornerstone for building these new user interfaces is XAML ("Zammel"), the XML-based markup language that works with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Vista's new graphics subsystem.

如子可教 2015-06-02   409   0

  A SharePoint Developer Introduction 文档

 A SharePoint Developer Introduction Hands-On Lab Lab Manual SPCHOL307 – Developing SharePoint 2010

torney 2015-07-28   1346   0

This is a test article~ 博客

hello open-open~, I ' m coming`

tomzhang 2011-08-10   828   0

  A SharePoint Developer Introduction 文档

 A SharePoint Developer Introduction Hands-On Lab Lab Manual SPCHOL303 – Using Client OM and REST from

torney 2015-07-28   1806   0

A*算法的GUI实现 代码段

前言 A*算法是常用的游戏算法之一,也是初学者比较难掌握的一个算法。 本文在Unity中以GUI的方式形象的再现了A*算法的详细步骤, 包括地图的搜索、FGH的计算以及开启关闭列表的变化等。

m2m2c 2015-02-19   1606   0

a-LMS 开源项目

a-LMS是一个用Java语言实现并遵守SCORM 1.2的学习管理系统(LMS)。

码头工人 2019-01-17   9510   0

A better Pagination 开源项目


码头工人 2019-02-23   404   0

  4 Platform as a Service 文档

1. The “Platform as a Service” Model for NetworkingEric Keller, Jennifer Rexford Princeton University

chen_2550 2014-05-06   1939   0

Oreilly C in a Nutshell 文档

C语言核心技术(C In A Nutshell) 一本很棒的,深入学习C语言的书。如果你做比较高级的C语言程序

ioriqw 2012-07-19   460   0
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